Urban Areas Development Authority Bannu Auction Notice for Building .plots,Residential Plots,Public Utility Multi Purpose Building, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR URBAN AREAS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BANNU Email: [email protected] Phone No. 0928-633013 GRAND AUCTION Urban Areas Development Authority (UADA) Bannu intends to auction the following Public Utilities Buildings/Plotst Residential Plots (On Ownership Basis) and Commercial Shops (on Lease Basis) on 24th, 25th & 26th July, 2024 (time: 10:00 am) at the office of Director UADA Bannu in Bannu Township. S:N0. 2- S:No. 2- 3- 4- S:No. 2- Public Utilities Building/Plots Public Utility Multi-purpose Building Near Police Station and Jamia Masjid. Clinic Residential Plots 45,46 17,1827.28 Commercial Shops Sector/Phase Sector-C Phase-I Sector-C Phase-I Sector/Phase C/Phase&mdash1 D/Phase-1 Ph-II Ph-II Sector/Phase Sector-A Phase-I Sector-D Phase-I Area/Size 2.7 Kanal 6.33 Kanal Area/Size 512 sqm 512 sqm Kanal 10-Marla Area/Size TERMS & CONDITIONS:- 2. 3. 4. 5. (a) Residential: For participation in the auction the interested persons will be required to deposit Rs. 300,000/- (Rupees Three Lac only) for eAChplot (ownership basis) as security in shape of call deposit/ pay order/ bank draft in the nam 'qfthe Project Director Bannu Development Authority, Bannu before the auction, otherwise Idder shall be allowed to participate in the auction proceedings. The security deposit wi I beiefunded to the unsuccessful bidders after finalization of auction. (b) Commercial: At the time or ction of the commercial property, the potential bidders shall deposit the earnest money forech commercial property [shop (lease basis) as security in shape of call deposit/pay draft in the name of the Project Director Bannu Development Authority Bannu. The successful bidder@will be required to deposit 25% amount of the bid declared successful by the competent au ooty in shape of bank draft in the name of the Project Director Bannu DevelopmentAuthqrl Bannuwith in 7-working days. In case of failure the bid stand cancelled and the security amo@ht shall be forfeited in favor of the Authority. Within one weekafter receipt of 25% of the bid amount, the Authority shall issue an allotment letter to the succeSSiul bidder requiring him to deposit the remaining amount and taxes, if any, within one month in the same manner. Detailed terms / conditions of the auction can be obtained from the Office of the Housing Officer UADA Bannu during working hours and also available on the official website and official Facebook page www.facebook/UADABannu of UADA Bannu. All terms and conditions shall be applicable as provided in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa UADA Auction Regulations 2022. DIRECTOR URBAN AREA DEV: AUTHORITY BANNU Ph: 0928-633013 O Newspaper ( 06 Jul, 2024) INF(P) 1578/24 (ISB-G) from Dawn dated 06 July, 2024
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