Town Municipal Corporation Karachi Auction Notice for Auction Rights,Auction Of Rights Of Recovery, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** r. Jil TOWN MUNICIPAL CORPORATION SADDAR, KARACHI OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR ADVERTISEMENT No.Dir/Advt/TMC/S/160/2024 Dated: 04/07/2024 AUCTION FOR RECOVERY RIGHTS OF SHOP BOARDS, SUN-SHADES, COMPANY BOARDS & MOVING PUBLICITY WITHIN THE LIMITS OF TOWN MUNICIPAL CORPORATION SADDAR, KARACHI FOR THE YEAR 2024-2025 The auction tor leasehold-rights for recovery ot advertisement,tee from shop boards, sun-shades, company boards and moving publicity within the limits of Town Municipal Corporation Saddar, Karachi will beheld on 22/07/2024 at j 1 AM at Council Hall, TMC-Saddar Office Karachi. Shop Boards, Sun-Shades, Company Boa 01 and Moving Publicity (including all activities) (Seventeen Million five hundred eighteen thousand three hundred seventy one only). The interested parties shall have to deposit iO%iof the upset price as security deposit through pay order in favour of TMC-Saddar-Karachi and submit following documents:- l. SRB registrati héertificate, 2. Affidavit showing that the participant is not defaulter of any Local Council Federal or Provincial Government, 3. NTN Certificate andr . Five years experience as contractor in this particular field, which shall be entitled them to participate in auction, Pay orders ot unsuccessful bid hall be returned whereas the pay order of successful bidder shall be retained as security of contract. The highest bidder shall deposit differepeq f upset price and the final bid to make It exact security of contract on the spot through pay order or cash after the highest bid is hammereg>One tenth of the contractual amount shall be payable in shape of pay order just atter acceptance of highest bid from Competent Authority. The Remaining contractual am00nt shall be paid in twelve equal monthly instalments or the months to be left and in advance by the fifth of each mont come tax, sales tax, professional tax or any other levies shall be paid by the contractor. Every participant must purcha?€and read the terms and conditions of the auction prior to participate in auction. The terms and conditions can be purchased from the office ot.t!ye undersigned situated at Khayal Das Park opposite Aram Bagh Police Station Haqqani Chowk Karachi, on written application and payment of s: 25,000/- through pay order in favour of TMC-Saddar-Karachj (non-refundable). The Town Municipal Corporation rights to accept or reject any or all bids. Saddar, Karachi reserve In case, if the auction Is not held/postponed/no bid received on 22/07/2024 the same will be held on 23/07/2024 (2nd time) and on 24/07/2024 (3rd time) at the same time and venue. INFfTMC/SADDAR/04/2024 INF-KRY No. 2208/24 O Newspaper ( 06 Jul, 2024) DIRECTOR ADVERTISEMENT-TMC-SADDAR KARACHI from Dawn dated 06 July, 2024
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