Social Welfare & Bait Ul Maal Department Lahore Tender Notice for Electric Wheel Chair,Tricycle,Canes,Sticks,Clippers,Walker, ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** SOCIAL WELFARE & BAIT UL MAAL DEPARTMENT PUNJAB TENDER NOTICE INVITATION OF BIDS FOR PROCUREMENT OF ASSISTIVE DEVICES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES (PWDg) 2024.25 Punjab Bait ul Maali Council, invites electronic bids on e&bullprocurement system. e.Pak Acquisition Disposal System (EPADS) at from the eligible bidders for the Procurement ofAssistive Devices rot Persons with Disabilities (PWOs): Quantity 274 3 23 6 135 17 3 7 Total Estimated Cost 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Lot Particulars (Doscription of Items) Wheelchairs (Manual Assistant Controlled) Walking Frames/ Walker ElectricWheel Chair Wheelchairs (Manual for Active Use) Tricyde Canes!Sticks Hearing Aid (digital) and Batteries with Mold Mobile Toilet Chair for Shovær/ Bath/ Toilet Crutches, Axillary/ Elbow/ Clippers 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Bidding Documents are immediately available after date of publication. Bidders may get the Bidding Documents from the office of the Deputy Administrator Bait ul Maal Punjab, 41 Empress Road Lahore on the submission of written application. OR bidders can download the copy of the Bidding Documents from the website of Punjab Procurement Authority and pk. The electronic bid must be accompanied by scanned Bid S@urity 02% of total estimated cost amounting to Rs. 400,000 in the form of CDR/ bankers cheque / bank guaran rom any scheduled bank in favor of the Deputy Administrator Bait ul Maal Punjab, Lahore. The original instrurpe t Bid Security must be delivered at the Office of the Secretary. Punjab Bait ul Maal Council 41 Empress Roag Latpoke prior to dosing date of submission of bids. The relevant branch of bank (from vmere the bid security is bei $Süéd for bidder) should also send the scanned copy at the fdlomng e- mail address: asbm [email protected] dure shall be applied as per rufe 38(2) (a) of Punjab Procurernent Rules, Single Stage &mdashTwo Envelopes biddin 2014. The complete electronic bids must Gubmitted online at as per following schedule: Bid Submission Date & Time Bid O enin Oate & Time 22 Jul , 2024 at 11:00 A.M 22 Jul , 2024 at 11:30 A.M required to quote rate of each/every item in the Lot. Any item mentioned Vithout quoting All prospective bidders sha the rate shall make the bid non-responsive. The lovest evaluated bidder shall be determined on the cumulative quoted rate of entire LOT. Itions and specifications are given in the Bidding Document Detailed terms & NOTE The procurement shall be conducted as per Punjab Procurement Authority Act-2009/PPRA Rules, 2014. MUHAMMAD SULEMAN DIRECTOR, PLANNING & EVALUATION, DIRECTORATE GENERAL SOCIAL WELFARE & BM, PUNJAB, LAHORE 41 EMPRESS ROAD, LAHORE: (042) 99204152 IPL-6470 (LHR-G) O Newspaper ( 06 Jul, 2024) from Dawn dated 06 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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