Public Health Engineering Department Karachi Tender Notice for Construction,Works,Clear Water,Water Supply,Electric Systems , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING DIVISION, KARACHI Opposite Mashriq Centre, Sir Shah Suleman Road, Ghulshane Iqbal Karachi DEC No. TC/G-148/5073, Scaled tender under single stage Two envclope Procedure Phone No. 021-99231901 Email: [email protected] Karachi Dated: 05-07-2024 NOTICE INVITING TENDERS bidding process are hereby invited from nil the contractor / firms who arc registered with Pakistan Engineering Council in the relevant field and appropriate category, in separate scaled envelopes in accordance with SPPRA rulcs 2010 (Amended Time to Time). s. Description Providing laying Jointing and Testing Rising Main 1 8" Dia P.E Pipe (PN-8) for New Intake Work to Main Water NVorks and Construction of R.C.C Clear Water Tank Size (120 x 70') on Top of Hill For Water Supply Scheme Hub Dam to 42 Various Villages, Construction of surface water tank with pump room including Electricity System near Hub Dam River Dch Allah Phai District Karachi ADP#3116 Estimntcd Cost in Million Rs. ,400/- Bid Security 5% Rs: Tender Completion Fee 5000 Time 3. 4. 5. 6. Thc Bid shall be Singte Singe Two Envelope, Each envelop should be clearly marked, Tcchnlcnl Proposal & Finnnc!gt Thc eligibility nnd minimum qualification criteria nre included in lhe bidding documcnt. Each cnvclop should consist or technical and financial proposal "TUE TECHNICAL PROPOSAL" must be submitted with Bid Security of amount as prescribed in this NIT in favor of Exccutlvc Enginccr Public Ilcnlth Engineering (Dev.) Division Knrnchi in form of Cnll Deposit / Pay-order. Tcchnical proposal must be enclosed in n sealed cnvclopc separntcly and name of participating firm along with serial number and name of work should be clcnrly markcd on the cnvclope. Thc scaled proposal must have omcial stamp on thc scal ofcnvclope, any deviation from such directives will of documents in rejection or Technical proposal, List to result proposal is mcntioncd in this NIT. in Technical bc enclosed "THE FINANCIAL PROPOSAL" please rcfcr 10 Standard Bidding Documents, the instruction to bidders, bidding date, conditions of contract arc mentioned in detail. Each Financial proposal must be enclosed in a scaled envelopc with firms official stamp on the seal. The Financial proposal envelope must have participating firms name, serial number and name of work clearly marked on the envelope. The bidding documents must be carefully. neatly filled. signed and stamped by the bidders on each page of the bidding documents. Incomplete and blank tender overwriting or conditional tender will not be entertained. The financial proposals shall be considered of only those firms which qualify through the Technical evaluation process and financial bid / proposal of technically unqualified contractors/ participants shall bc returned them unopened. The TECHNICAL and FINANCIAL PROPOSAL(s) shall be submitted to Public Health Engineering (Dev.) Division Karachi Office on dated 25-07-2024 at 1:00 PM Sharp. The Technical Proposal of the participating firms will be opened on 25-07-2024 up to 2:00 PM in presence of the bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to attend at the same address in front of the Procurement Committee. In case of emergency or holiday, then bids will be received and opened on next working day at the same time. The Physical evaluation of Technical Bids Shall be made on the same day by procurement committee and in front of all participant. The list of technically qualified contractors / participants would be issued after Evaluation against eligibility and minimum qualification criteria of technical qualification (as mentioned in standard bidding document'). 7. 8. 9. 4 onth. The procurement committee reserves the right to reject all or any bid, there off if the forms provided in •the bidding documents are not duly filled (Along with signature and stamp of the bidders on each and every documents) or submitted without relevant documents & the bids are not found in accordance with SPPRA rules Amended time to time / culy enforced. In case, due to any reason, no tenders are received against any tender of this NIT on the above dates then the next datc of submission and opening will be as follows: Valid registration certificate from Pakistan Engineering Council on appropriate category to the value of each work for the year 2024-25 CE•09, CE- 10, EE-I I PEC Codes. Registration with income tax department (NTN Copy) and Sindh Revenue Board (Sale Tax Registration) and copy of CNIC or owners / proprietors. DATE OF RECEIPT AND TIME 2ND ATTEMPT: Datc of reccivcd back on 15.08,2024 at 1:00 1'M & opened up to 15.08.2024 nt 2:00 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL: 1. The blank tender form / proposal documents for above stated work each can be obtained from Thc Office of the Public Health Engineering ee.)bivision Karachi Sir arachis The interested Shah Suleman Road Opposite Mashriq Centre D.C Eas participants may obtain further information including Eligibility inimum Qualification Criteria and acquire the complete set of Bidding from the aforementioned office of the Procuring Agency during working days upfö24.07.2024 at 05.00 P.M. on submission Of a written application personally or throogwauthorized representative from the above mentioned office on payment of fees of Rs. SOOO/- (non- refundable) in shape of Cash/Call Deposit/Pay Ordér in favor of Executive Engineer Public Health Engineering (Dev) Division Karachi. tn Other case the bidding website from SPPRA {PPMS downloaded be documents can and can be dropped on the given date & time at place mentioned in this NIT along with a pay order of tender fees as mentioned above otherwise tender will be rejected. All tender fees Pay orders should have validity Of at least 01 Month from the day of submission to Public Health Engineering Dev. Division Karachi. Pleasc note that the bidding documents will not be sent through post/courier. The last date Of issuance bid document is I day prior to the submission date. 2. The validity or the Bid must be of 90 days. This can be extended for further 90 days in compliance Of SPPRA ftules culy enforced, O Newspaper ( 06 Jul, 2024) n) b) c) d) e) Tcchnlcnl proposnl must contain company profile (orlglnnl) with following informntion. Certificntc or Bnnk showing credit worthiness along with bank statement of last three ycnrs with finnncinl cnpnblllty must hnvc turnover or the offercd cost and nudit report for Inst three yenrs from n reputable nudJt firm. Must hnvc complctcd ntlenst 03 Nos or greater of Similar works in last 3 ycnrs. Bio dntn of Enginccring nnd Technical staff working with the firm, Qunlincntlon nnd experience of technical personnl nnd kcy site management. Bidders should provldc undertakings on stamp papers of R-5.500/- each sepnrntcly for confirmation of non-blnckllstlng, no litigation and integrity pnet with technical proposni. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING DIVISION KARACHI IINF-KRY: 2230/24 from Dawn dated 06 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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