Gwadar Port Authority Gwadar Tender Notice for Consultancy Service,Consultant Construction, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Gwadar Port Authority Ministry of Maritime Affairs Pak-China Friendship Road, Gwadar Port Gwadar 92100 Phone:0864-210073 Fax: 086-920404 RE-ADVERTISF&bdquoMENT RFOUEST FOR PROPOSAL Gwadar Port Authority Ministry of Maritime Affairs intends to hire the services of consultancy firms (National or International) for Survey & Feasibility Study for construction of Eastbay Expressway Phase-II of Gwadar Port at Gwadar. Interested firms arc requircd to furnish their applications along with the following information. &bull Company profile. &bull List of full time technical and supervisory staff along with their brief cvs. &bull Registration as Consultants with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC). &bull Details of works/services of similar nature already completed or in hand with cost, and satisfactorily certificate from the concerned executive officer. &bull Affidavit regarding non-involvement in any arbitration/ litigation with any government agency/ department. &bull The Consulting firms supplying wrong information are liable to legal action and disqualification. Consulting firms shall be engaged via Quali d cost-based selection as per Public Procurement Regulatory Rules. Sip stage two envelope bidding procedure as per PPRA rule 36(b) will åddpted. RFP documents for the above me 10 Assignment can be obtained from the office of the undersigned on orking day (from 8th July 2024) upon submission of RFPdocument fe ounting to shape of demand draft or pay order in favour wadar Port Authority and to be submitted latest by 8th August 11:00AM along with above mentioned information as well as &bullr quirement as per RFP document and opened on same date at 11:30 GPA Head Office Gwadar. RFP documents can be downloaded from G? Website and RFP documents fee in shape of demand draft or pay order<imfavour of GPA to be attached with technical proposal. Applications recei+cd after deadline will not be considered. Pre-bid/proposal meeting will on 29th July 2024 at at GPA Head Office Gwadar agge@ingly. ENGR ABDUL WAHID PROJECT DIRECTOR Eastbay Expressway Phase-II Gwadar Port Authority Pak-China Friendship Road Gwadar Port, Gwadar Phone // 086-4212301 Cell] 0321-8061223 E-mail: [email protected] O Newspaper ( 06 Jul, 2024) from Dawn dated 06 July, 2024
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