Capital Development Authority Islamabad Tender Notice for For Resolving Traffic Consgestion Issue At CrOSSING oF 9th Avenue & Jinnah, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Capital Development Authority PROCUREMENT & CONTRACTS AGREEMENT-I CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) FOR RESOLVING TRAFFIC CONGESTION ISSUES AT CROSSING OF 9TH AVENUE & JINNAH AVENUE, ISLAMABAD The Capital Development Authority invites sealed bids under "Single Stage Two Envelope" bidding procedure from well reputed firms registered with Pakistan Engineering Council having valid Registration Certificate jn Category C-A/ No limit, with project code CE-OI, CE-02, CE-09i CE-IO & EE-11 who can prove their eligibility and qualification as mentioned in the Bidding Documents for the captioned project. The NIT cost of the project is Rs. 3,900.00 Million. 2. Bidding documents are available on PPRA E-PADS portal and shall be purchased from the office of Dy. Director-II (P&CA-I) Room No 26, Block Ill, P&C Wing, CDA Secretariat, Sector G-7/4, Islamabad up to 19.07.2024 upon submission of application with a non-refundable amount Rs.10,000/- (Rupees Ten thousand only) in shape of cash being cost of the Bidding Documents during working hours on or before the given date and time. 3. Only firms/contractors registered with PPRA on E-PADS as vendors are eligible to purchase bidding documents. 4. The prospective bidders are required to sub id Security (Deposit at call) amounting to Rs. 50.00 Million in favour of Deputy Director-II CDA along with the technical bid. Any technical bid without bid security will be treated asn nqesponsive. 5. The Bidders are required to sub o sealed envelopes simultaneously (One containing the Technical Proposal and the other the Flnancjal/ Price Bid) enclosed together in an outer single envelope. 6. The bids shall be received i e office of Deputy Director-II P&CA-I, Room No 26, Block Ill, CDA Secretariat, Sector G-7/4 IOrn bad on 22.072024 ator before 11:30 AM. The Technical Bids will be opened on same date a PM in the presence of bidder's authorized representatives who chose to attend. The prospecilVe bidders are also required to submit their Bids online through E-PADS at —p:/lgprocure-ggoibefore opening date. 7. The Price Bids Wili¯remain sealed and will be held in custody of the Employer until evaluation of Technical Bids!idwever, time for opening of Price Bids will be intimated subsequently. 8. The Firms providing unsubstantiated and or incorrect information are liable to legal action and disqualification. 9. The Authority reserves the right to reject all the applicationsas per PPRA Rules 2004. 10. The Advertisement is also available on CDAand PPRA websites. PID (1)171/24 Deputy Director-II P&CA-I, CDA Capital Development Authority Room No 26, Block Ill, COA secretariat, sector G-7/4, Islamabad O Newspaper ( 06 Jul, 2024) from Dawn dated 06 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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