Pakistan Housing Authority Lahore Tender Notice for New Horticulture Development Works, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE Sealed tenders from well reputed firms/Private Nurseries are hereby invited for the following work:- Sr. No 1 Description HORTICUVTUR€ AT PAHRIA INTERCHANGE AlgQNG SQUTHERN OF BING ROAP Estimated Cost Earnest Monoy Fs.?427.170t- Rs. 146543/- Invited By Project Director Ring Road. PHA. Lahore Receiving Dato & Time of Tender 25.07.2024 10:00 AM Opening Date & Time 25.07.2024 10:30 AM CONDITIONS:- I. The tenders WI be obtained from of the Project PirectorRing Road on payment of talder fee. Tenders win be received ill 10:00 AM on 25.07.2024. 2. Tenderwil be made on single stqe. 3. No tender will be issued/ entertained without providing eamest money Of the estimated cost in shape of CDN pay-erde/in the favor of Parks & Horticulture Authority, Lahore. The tenders wil be openeg by the constituted committee in tie presence of bidders or their aumrized representative a! 10:30 AM on 25.07.2024 in the office of the unders@ned. 4. After tiestipulated timeno tenderWiIIbe issued/ entertained. 5. Any extension in time limi!forcompletion of required document I providing of certificate will not be allowed I admissible'in.ny case. 6. Incomplete/ irrelevan required bid/offer shall not be entertained as decided by tie Comm• 7. In case tie bivless than 10% from esümated @St, the bidder win have to desnsit performance security at the tune of award of work from a scheduled bank as pr rule/ policy. The arnountoi performance security should not be less than the esümated cost and released after the successful completion of work and for the CDN pay-order will be forfeited in favor of PHA Lahore. 8. The prw.lrement shall be completed in accordance with Punjab Procurement Rule 2014, on •single stage (Single Envelope). 9. No applicaüon will be entertained through posy courier for issuance of tender. 10. The procuring authority may reject all bids or proposals at any time on the basis of the evaluation criteria I non-complelion of codal formalities prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposal. 11. Further details can be had from office of the undersigned. 12. Any other detail. not incognrate with these rules that the procuring agency have the right to change I fit as per requirement. IPL-6411 Project Director Ring Road PHA Lahore o Newspaper ( 00 Jul, 2024) from Naibaat dated 06 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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