Public Health Engineering Division Washuk Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Executive Engineer Public Health Engineering Division Washuk invites sealed Percentage rate tenders based on composite schedule of rates 2023 Government of Balochistan from interested contractor/firms for Solar Work mentioned bellow. Bid Security will be 2% Estimated cost and time limit S.NO. NAME OF WORK 1. 2 3 4 5 6 CONSTRUCTION OF WSS WITH SOLAR SYSTEMAT IN DIFERENT VILLAGESAT UC SHINGAR II PSDP#5483 (SOLAR) TSE-242507481203 CONSTRUCTION OF WSS WITH SOLAR SYSTEMAT IN DIFERENT VILLAGESAT UC NAG TOWN PAKAGEI PSDP# 5753 (SOLAR) TSE-242507481243 CONSTRUCTION OF WSS WITH SOLAR SYSTEM AT IN DIFERENT VILLAGESATUC SHINGAR PAKAGElPSDP#5842 (SOLAR) TSE-242507481273 CONSTRUCTION OF WSS WITH SOLAR SYSTEM AT IN DIFERENT VILLAGES AT SUB TEHSIL NAG PAKAGE-I PSDP # 5856 (SOLAR) TSE-242507481343 CONSTRUCTION OF WSS WITH SOLAR SYSTEM AT IN DIFERENT VILLAGES AT SUB TEHSIL NAGPAKAGE.II PSDP#5953 (SOLAR) TSE-242507481383 CONSTRUCTION OF WSS WITH SOLAR SYSTEM AT IN DIFERENT VILLAGESAT UC NAGTOWN PAKAGE-IIPSDP# 5962 (SOLAR) TSE-242507481443 E/ COST 83676711- 12551507/- 83676711. 8367671/- 83676711- 12551507/- TIFEE 30001- 3500/- 30001- 3000/- 30001- 3500/- The procurement shall be out in accordance with Balochistan Public Procurement rules, 2014 Eligibility:- The Contractor / Firm must have valid registration with Pakistan Engineering council in relevant category with relevant codes and renewed uöton' June 2025. Registration with tax authorities i.e (NTN, Sales Tax and BRA Department) who are registered suppliers and are active tax payer list (ATL) of FBR & BRA. Bank Turnover Certificate in origihöl of last three years supported by bank statements. Firm must have last three years relevant expelience, priority will be given to the authorized dealer in the relevant field. Firm must have valid ISO cegtifipation.An affidavitof Rs. 100/- duly attested showing that the firm has not been black listed by any department. An affidavit of Rs.100/- that the firm has not given Non- Performance letter from any departmenii The Contractor must submit proof of their file tax returns. Authority letter in case of representativeGf the company, authorized representation of company will only be allowed to participate having ayeqified authorization letter for the schemes mentionioned above. The authorization latterfdeed mus!be provided on Non-Judicial stamp papers of Rs. 100/- duly attested by first Class magistrate, Joint ventu III not be allowed. Contractor should download tender documents by self derdocuments should be provided in original tothe undersigned. Method of Procurement:- Singe Stage, One Envelope Procedure Bidding/Tender Documents:lssuance: Tender document will be issued toManufacturer/Authorized Dealer/Firm after publication of notice at BP PRA web site after presentatioi#i above said criteria and tender fee (non-refundable) of Rs. 3000/- & 3500/- in shape of green challan from deposited in NBP Washuk under head of account C-2725-02, (ii) 2% of estimated cost earnest money/security deposit refundable, till submission date and time which can also be viewed on www, Note: It may be noted that no pay order will be accepted] entertained and firms complete title/ name should be written on the call deposit: Submission: The bidding documents duly filled along with supporting documents must be delivered on or before 02-08-2024 till 12:00 PM Opening:Tender will be opened on 02-08-2024 at 01:00 PM before procurement committee in the presence of Manufacturers/ firms/ Company or their authorized representative/ agents. place of issuance inquiries and opening will be: Address: Office of The Executive Engineer PHE Division Washuk Telephone No; 0847520120 EmailAddress: [email protected] Fax No: 0847520120 PRQ No. 109104-07-2024 dpr.gob c ews paper u, Executive Engineer PHE Division Washuk from Express dated 05 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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