Pakistan Ordnance Factories Wah Cantt Tender Notice for Flow Meter instrument cable, bottle for Acetone,zeolite , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Government of Pakistan PAKISTAN ORDNANCE FACTORIES Wah Cantt INVITATION TO BID POF-SuppIy Chain Management invites bids from the original Manufacturers/ authorized Dealers/ Suppliers registered with income tax and sales Tax Department for supply of following stores Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TE No. & Date 003&LP-JBH-54 DT: 14-05-2024 0039-LP-JBH-54 0054-LP-JBH-54 DT: 1+05-2024 0063-LP-J8H-54 0068-LP-JBH-5 DT: 1206-202 Description Store Flow Meter, Instrument Cable C.I Bottle for Acet VFD Powe Flex TÉCJointing Sheet Zeolite Qty. 10 Nos 06 Nos 02 Items 2200 Litres pemng Date 25-07-2024 2. Bidding docufi!é containing item wise detail, specifications and all other terms & c are available for the interested bidders at the office of the undersig,. or can also be downloaded from POF website (www.ebidå of cost. 3. The bids completed ill all respects, must be submitted online above mentioned portal on or before 25-07-2024 but not later than closing time 1030 hrs. The Tenders will be opened at 1100 hrson the same date, Director &lpply Chain Managenmt Te1051-9055-21088, Fax 051-9314100 ünail: [email protected] c ews paper u, from Express dated 05 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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