National Highways & Motorways Police Islamabad Tender Notice for Single stage two envelop bidding,least cost based selection technique , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NATIONAL HIGHWAYS & MOTORWAYS POLICE Procurement Notice (PN) No. 04/LOG/NHMP/RSF/2024-25 Invitation to Bid Through E-Procurement NHMP Headquarter invites sealed bids from the eligible bidders having active General Sales Tax & Income Tax numbers, for up-gradation/ re-designing of Road Safety Articles for the F.Y 2024-25. List of Road Safety Articles is mentioned in the Bidding Document. 1. $inqle Staqe Two Envelope Biddinq Procedure of Principal Method of Procurement (i.e. Open Competitive Bidding) will be used by adopting Least Cost Based Selection (LCBS) Technique for the subject procurement, in line with the Public Procurement Rules, 2004 and any Regulations, Regulatory Guides, Procurement Guidelines or Instructions issued by the Authority (from time to time), 2, All Proposals must be accompanied by a Bid S ity as mentioned in the Bidding Documents (Re-fundable) in shape of Bank DrafVCDR name of the Inspector General, National Highways & Motorway Police, Islamab e Bidders shall submit scanned copy of Bid Security on EPADS and Original Bank 'Dr CDR will be submitted to the Logistics Branch, NHMP before opening of the tendere 3. In case opening date(s) is declaredås a Public Holiday by the Government, the next working date shall be deemed to be the e for submission and opening of tender(s) at the same time and place. vea 4. The Bids will be recei nly from those firms who are reqistered with PPRA for Tendering through their Email addresses which were provided by them to PPRA at th?time of their registration. 5. The interested biggers are requested to submit their Bids/ proposals online through EPAOS at https://eprocuré before opening date. and Original Bids/ proposals must be submitted at NHMP Central police Office. Mauve Area. G-11/1. Islamabad qn qr before 11:00 Hours on 23!4 July. 2024. The Bids will be opened publically on the same day at 11:30 Hours in the presence of Bidder's representatives at NHMP Central Police Office, Mauve Area, G-11/1 , Islamabad. Assistant Inspector General (Logistics) PID (l) No.78/24 c ewspaper For Inspector General, NHMP. Ph.: 051-9320278 u, from Express dated 05 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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