Ranipur Tubewell Division Khairpur Tender Notice for Tubewells,solar,pumping station,vehicles and uniform, others, Machinery,Equipment,Furniture and miscellaneous items , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER TUBEWELLS DIVISION KHAIRPUR Phone No: 0243-928014' NO, OAT'ED 0"07'2024 INVITATION QF QUOTATION FOR PROCUREMENT. QF GOODS AND SERVJCES Seay€td Ouotations as per SPPRA Rule,2010 (Arnenaee 2017) ate hereo•j' i.n•.'itee } canec it'l Sngl,e Stage, Singte Err.•o'ope meth'•od from the integesteo Supgöers 3' Contractc«s & Films 'or Procu Tubowets- SOLV' TuocøellS. Stations. veh:iaes and ana wscena•neous Items etc. tne year 2024-25. t. Oootatjon / &dding document tor NatiO•mM Competitive Bidding Of Hifit•g 01 Engaging Skilled un-SS4itvea Laeout' Press Upto 22.072024 at 1.00 (PM) and sarr,e wib be received on same day 23072024 oy authorize•S representatives. Goods and Services undel to Machinery Furniture Fixture atong with SSIS or req•iced Materia'S. GOOdS. be issuea from the o' publication in the 23.07.202•,; upto '2.00 (am) and be opened in tho presence 01 Ot their 2nd Attempt; 'SSuo date upto Subtrii$$ion upto Opening on 07, 2 at 10.00 (a.m.) at 12.00 moor,) 07.082024 at 1.00 (p.m) 3, 4, 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. 12, 13. biddir'g be a Bid NS'. the Shape Of Deposit in the nam.e Executive Engineer I Oivisia.n Khairpu ot any Scheculed Bank. Fée [Non•ROLJOdablO) iS be deposited in the OtfiCO Cd tt'+ E*OCutive RS. 3000'. as j Engineee„ Ranipur• Tubewell O.R. no Ouotati•an eocurnen.ts issued witnout ana O.R lee not be aecoøted in Pay Order. The rates quoted snar remain ef'ectiv•e upto uth June 2025 Annual Procuretnent Matetians, Goods, Hiring o' Machinegy ana Engagipg suted unskiled Labour etc. in case ot em.eegency, the Matenals etc. be suppliea on Short as und The concldional Ouotation wil entertainea. The procuring Agency the 'iSht to any O' au the Quotation h'.•ith assigning reason(S) thereof under the provision ot SPPÄA 2017), The contractors whose rete' WI be tound lowest win be bound to supoty the Material. Goods, Hiring Ot Machinery and Engaging Skilled j WI'10ft Otdered during the Enan•C.iaJ year The rates quoted of an taxes at prevailing rates in-vogue. The Biddlec musv•regiSlO'éd FBR & SRB. Fresh affidavit that Tie iS not invowea in any Idigation and neither black procuring agency. Bara statement of 3•year Showing tho turn over 10 ascenain tho financia.l worth bidder, The contractor have at least 3Near•J if' relevant tl the and any Membeg is out ot Head Ouarterc•t undonunatetythe lc•zat Hobday declares Govegntnent on tho dato Ot OoatatiOOS. the Ouotati•ons Shaa be oø on next *Ming day sot. (SHAMS.UR.REHMAN MENON) EXECUTIVE ENGINEER 2160'24 RAMPUR TUBEWELL OIVISION. KHAIRPUR O Newspaper ( 05 Jul, 2024) from Thenews dated 05 July, 2024
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