Sindh Public Service Commission Hyderabad Tender Notice for Rental Furniture & Generals Items, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** SINDH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION THANDI SARAK, HYDERABAD No.SPSC/B&A/Ten Notice/Screening Test/Written Test/24-25/4680 TENDER NOTICE Dated: 03-07-2024 Sindh Public Service Commission invites sealed bids for hiring of the following items on Rental Basis on Framework Contract/ Rate Contract basis through Single Stage-Two Envelopes Procedure during financial year, 2024-25 valid upto June, 2025 from well teputed firms/suppliets Tor making necessary arrangements in connection with Screening Test of Combined Competitive Examination (COE-2023) containing posts OT various Departments of Govt. Sindh to be conducted by Sindh Public service Commission at Hyderabad. Kat achim Sukkur& I-alkana simultaneously in the month OT August, 2024 followed by other examinations ; tests upto June, 2025. Tencler Descrlptlon Rental Furniture & other Miscellaneous Items Tender Schedule— Date & Time Issue sale To Opening Submission (Technical) 2507.2024 2507.2024 Opening (Financial) Ten der Fee 55,07.2024 Rs. 04.072024 25.0742024 at Noon at 12:30 SOOO/- Bid Security 500.000/- Requirements for supplying of items for seating arrangement: 2. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. IS. 16. 18. Supplying/lnstallatjon ot Tents (Shamyana and Kanat) on each centre in one colon Iron Foam Chair/Plastic Chair with Neat & Clean Cover on each centre in white color with standard space between chairs. Generators as per on each centre. Sound system and loud speakets as per requirement on each Setting ot Stage (20x40 sq ft) on each centre. ltwigilator Counters on each centre. Installation of CCTV Cameras with coverage upto 100 candidates per camena, at least 65" LED Screen for view and maintenance with DVR recording of whole event. Control Room for CCTV Camera System on each centie. Pedestal moving tan on each 10 candidates per tan. Entry Gate Rows on each centre. Mobile Collection Counters on each centr 2. 3. 4. Sealed bids are required to reach the office ot the undersigned on or before 25.07.2024 latest by 12:00 Noon either by registered post, mail orby hand along with call deposit/pay older equal to bid security mentioned above. Late bids shall not he entenained. It bids is sent through mail could not be reached during the preset ibed deadline, shall not be entettained. Bids shall be opened on same clay at 12:30 P.M. at Head Office, Sindh Public Service Commission, Thandi Sarak, Hyderabad by Procurement Committee in pt esence of biddets or theil authorized reptesentatives who intend to be plesent. Eligibility / Qualification Criteria: First Aid Rooms for candidates on ea Runner Carpet for passages on e new or neat & clean. ceÅtre entre preferably 08 persons for sweeping/cle i of tents after every session with ID cards ot vend r n each centre. Chilled drinking water in l%litres sealed & packed jerry cane of Acquafina/NestIé')wtth 50 table stand covered with white or red color on each centre: Disposable Glasses. Help Desk on each ccessories including transportation & Any other relev service charg s per requirement. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Terms and Conditions/ Procedure of Tender is detailed below:- 1 . The tender forms / documents containing specifications and other details may he obtained from Head Office, Sindh Public Service Commission Office at Hyderabad from 04.07.2024 to 25.07.2024 during office hours on a non—refundable tender •tee in shape ot pay order in the name of Secretary, Sindh Public Service Commission, Thandi Sarak Hyderabad. Further enquiry should be made on Phone No. 022-9200162 during office hours. Alternatively the documents may also be downloaded from the SPPRA website http•i/ or SPSC Website O Newspaper ( 05 Jul, 2024) The firms / suppliers should be tegisteted with Federal Boald ot Revenue (F.B.R), Sindh Boald of Revenue (S.R.B) and should have AcUve Taxpayer List. copy ot valid NTN and Sales Tax Certificate and Registration Certificate with Sindh Revenue Board must be attached. Minimum 05 years experience in providing decoration sejvices to reputable organization. The vendors./firms who have worked with Sindh Public Service Commission have to produce Satisfactory Performance Certificate of last event for eligibility. The bidders must have experience of providing setvices of similar nature at least five events during ust 5 years with documentary evidence and work order must be attached. The bidders must possess Annual Bank Turnover of Rs. 30.00 Million during the last Five years. The bidders should submit the Affidavit on E-Stamp Paper stating that their company/vendor has not been blacklisted by any Government Department/organization and Attidavjt ot no dis-sati$tactory performance at any institution during the last 05 years. Incomplete and conditional tender forms shall be rejected. The tender documents must be attached in sequence as per tender requirement. The procuring agency may reject all or any bid subject to the relevant provision of Sindh Services Procurement Rules 2010 (Amended 2019). DEPUTY DIRECTOR tAdmn. & Acctts.) SINDH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION HYDERABAD Tel # 022-9200162 INF_KAY: No. 2204/24 from Dawn dated 05 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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