Provincial Disaster Management Authority Karachi Tender Notice for Chatai,Plastic Mat,Kitchen,Generators,Diginity,Portable Toilet Tent, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PROVINCIAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY REHABILITATION DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF SINDH TENDER NOTICE The Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA), Rehabilitation Department, Karachi invites sealed bids (with all applicable duties/taxes such as income tax, GST, Sindh Sales Tax) from eligible bidders/firms, who must be *Active Taxpayer" and registered with FBR for the Procurement of Relief Items / Goods / Equipments for the FY 2024-25 in accordance with Sindh Public Procurement Rules (SPPRA) 2010 amended till date. S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Item Chatai / Plastic Mat Natural Cotton Mattress Portable Toilet Tent Dj ni / H iene Kit Rates ma be uoted as Kitchen Set Rates be uoted as acka e Semi Colla sible Jerr Can 10 Lit. Animal Mos uito Net Tar aulin Sheet Filtration Unit Generator Set 50 KVA Generator Set 100 KVA acka Qty 40,000 32 ooo 7 600 35,000 20,000 go,ooo 20,000 39 ,ooo 350 05 05 Specification As mentioned in the 'Section V" Technical Specification of the Bidding Document. 2. Interested eligible bidders may either download the detailed bidding documents for the relief goods from website of PDMA ( on SPPRA ( pk) and can also collect the bidding documents from PDMA Head Office during office hours from the date of publication of this NIT till 20.07.2024 on payment of Rs-5,000/- for a h item separately through Pay Order as Tender Fee (non-re n able) in favor of Provincial Disaster Management AuthoritxSh h. Those who download bidding documents from the web ite will have to submit the Tender Fee via Pay Order in the Påme of Provincial Disaster Management Authority, Sindh ameüpfting to Rs.5,OOO/- for each item separately, at the time of submission of bids. The last date to submit the bids is 22.07.2024 +400 hours.Technical Bids will be opened in presence of bid ers or their authorized representatives who choose to atte cv the same day at 1500 hours i.e. 22.072024 at the comtT) ee Room of PDMA Sindh, Plot No. 26-C, Main Khayaban- QJami, DHA Phase-VII, Karachi. Bids can be submitted for all &bullany of the items mentioned above separately along wit 2/0 Earnest Money in the form of the name of Provincial Disaster Pay Order/Demand Draft Management Authority, . The competent authority reserves the right to vary the aforementioned quantities. 3. The proposal shall be submitted as Single Stage-Two Envelopes Procedure bid shall comprise a single package containing two separate envelopes and each envelope shall contain separately the Financial Proposal and Techn ical Proposal. Envelope shall be marked as "FINANCIAL PROPOSAL" and "TECHNICAL PROPOSAL" in bold and legible letters to avoid confusion. Technical and Financial proposal be placed inside a two separate sealed envelopes and then both must be placed and sealed in another envelope clearly mentioning the bidders detail and seal. Each bid for goods must be accompanied three sample for each item mentioned at S. No.01 O Newspaper ( 05 Jul, 2024) 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08 and for item mentioned at S. No. 09, 10, II technical specification manual must be provided with the bid. All expenses related to testing and checking of samples in the laboratories must be borne by the vendor(s). Furthermore, for item at S. No. 09, 10, 11 and on site Inspection must be arranged by the eligible bidders at their own cost. For items at Serial No. 10, 11 Manufacturer Authorization Certificate / Authorized Dealer Certificate must be provided. The competent authority reserves the right to reject all or any bid thereof if the forms provided in the bidding documents (in Original) are not duly filled (along with signature & stamp of the bidder) or submitted without relevant documents & the bids are not found In accordance with Sindh Public Procurement Rules 2010 (amended till date). The Procurement Agency reserves the right to cancel the entire bidding process or any item as per Section 25 Sindh Public Procurement Rules 2010 (amended till date) or in case of any emergency situation arises in Sindh province. 4. Rates should include all applicable taxes & transportation charges to the warehouses located at Karachi, Jamshoro and Sukkur (inclusive of loading / unloading and labor charges). Successful bidders are required to supply 100% delivery within 14 days for the NIT Item No. 01, 02, 04, 06, 07i 08, 10, 11 and 21 days for Item No.03, 05, 09 after signing of the agreement. Technical qualification criteria, specifications and terms and conditions are available in the bidding document which will be strictly adhered to. In case of any holiday/law-and-order situation/ mishaps the last date of tender opening will be next working day. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (PROCUREMENT) Provincial Disaster Management Authority Sindh (PDMA) Plot No. 26-C. Khayaban-e-Jami, DHA Phase VII, Karachi Ph: 021-99332003-5, Fax: 021-99332007 INF-KRY: 2189/24 from Dawn dated 05 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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