Liaquat University Of Medical & Health Scinces Jamshoro Tender Notice for Procurement Of Ac,Genertors,Diesel, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** LIAQUAT UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL & HEALTH SCIENCES, JAMSHORO, SINDH-PAKISTAN URL: — Tel: 92-22-9213405 E-mail: [email protected] PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT Doc # LUMHS/PMU/825 Issue Date: 26-06-2024 NOTICE INVITING TENDER Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences Jamshoro, Sindh invites sealed bids / tenders on "Single Stage —Two Envelopes Procedure" from interested bidders under PPRA Rules 2010 (Amended upto date) to carry out the following works: Name of Work Procurement of Air Conditioners for various Departments, LUMHS, Jamshoro Procurement of 200 KVA Diesel Generators, 2 LUMHS, Jamshoro Eligibility: • Latest Income Tax Certificate (NTN). Valid GST Registration Certificate. SECP Incorporation Certificate. Detailed Portfolio of company profile. Minimum 03 years' Experience. Date of Purchase / Issue 05-07-2024 to 22-07-2024 05-07-2024 to 22-07-2024 Date of Submission of Bid 23-07-2024 23-07-2024 up to 11:30 A.M Opening Date & Time ofTender 23-07-2024 at 11 A.M 23-07-2024 at 12:00 PM Tender Fee (Rs.) 3000/- 3000/- Certified copy ot Authorized Dealership Certificate / Manufacture Certificate. Undertaking or Affidavit that the firm is not involved in any litigation or abandoned any procurement in the department. • Affidavit to the effect that the firm/suppller has not been blacklisted previously by any executing agency. Method of Procurement: Single Stage —Two Envelopes Procedure. Blddlng / Tender Documents: Issuance: Tender Documents can be downloaded from PPRA Website i.e. & LUMHS Website i.e. tender & purchased from Project Management Unit (PMU) LUMHS, Jamshoro as mentioned above on payment of a Tender Fee of Rs. 3000/- in shape of Pay Order / Demand Dratt (Non-Refundable) in favour of Vice Chancellor LUMHS3 Jamshoro during office hours, within due date & time along with following documents / Eligibility Criteria. Submlsslon: Bids completed in all respects in sealed envelopes mentioning name of work and marked as "Technical and Financial" must be accompanied by a Bid Security 2% of Bid Price in shape of Pay Order / Demand Draft in favour of Vice Chancellor LUMHS, Jamshoro. Opening: 1. 2. 3. 4, Technical Proposal will be opened on 23-07-2024 (Tuesday) at 11:30 a.m & 12:00 p.m respectively in presence of Committee Members and representatives of bidders who wis o attend, whereas the Financial Proposal will be retained with the Tender Opening Committee. The Technical Proposals submitted by the bi ee will be evaluated by Tender Opening Committee and thereafter Financial Proposals of only technically qualified bidd r ill be opened by the committee on the date and time to be communicated to the bidders. The Financial Proposals of the bids fou technically disqualified shall be returned unopened to the respective bidders. In case of unusual circumstances, te ers will be opened on the next working day at the same time. Unresponded tenders will be again iss ed / submitted / opened on the following dates:- 2nd Attempt: Date of Purchase / Date of Submission 2 Name of ork Procurement of Air onditioners for various Departments, LVMHS, Jamshoro Procurement of 200 KVA Diesel Generators, LUMHS, Jamshoro Issue 24-07-2024 to 07-08-2024 24-07-2024 to 07-08-2024 of Bid 08-08-2024 up to 11:00 A.M 08-08-2024 up to 11:30 A.M Opening Date & Time of Tender 08-08-2024 at 11:30 AM 08-08-2024 at 12:00 PM Place of Issuance, Submission, Inquiries & Opening: Office of the Project Management Unit (PMU), 2nd Floor, Institute of Dentistry, Liaquat IJniversity of Medical & Health Sciences (LUMHS), Jamshoro, Sindh. Telephone Numbers: 92-22-9213405 Email Address: [email protected] Terms & Conditions: Under the following conditions, the bid will be rejected: i. Conditional and telegraphic bids / tenders. ii. Bids not accompanied by bid security of required amount & form. iii. Bids received after specified bid date and time. O Newspaper ( 05 Jul, 2024) ive Bids submitted by blacklisted firms. v. Incomplete bids as per instruction given in Bidding Document. Bid validity period: Ninety (90) days. Procuring Agency reserves the right to reject any or all bids subject to the relevant provisions of Public Procurement rules (PPRA) (Amended upto date). DIRECTOR Works & Services LUMHS, Jamshoro INF-KRY No. 2180/24 from Dawn dated 05 July, 2024
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