Communication Works Physical Planning & Housing Department Sohbat Pur Tender Notice for Construction Of Roads,Construction works, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER ALL PROCUREMENT GOB WEHTHER THROUGH ELECTRONIC OR MANUAL BID SUBMISSION, IT IS MANDATORY FOR ALL BIDDER GET REGISTERED AT ELECTRONIC PUBLIC PROCUREMENT SYSTEM OF BPPRA GOB The Executive Engineer (Roads) CW, PP&H Department District Sohbat Pur, invites sealed percentage rate tender based on composite schedule of rate 2023 Government of Balochistan amended up-to date from interested contractor / firms for the work listed below: Earnest Money 2%, Tender Fee Rs. 1000/- for each work. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 Name of Work Laying of Tuff Tiles Rafiq Talib & Const: of BT Road Azad Kashmirto ShujaAbad (PSDP No. 1368 2024-25) TSE-232406466283 Reh: of BT Road Jan Muhammad to Naseebullah Khosa Link Road (PSDP No.13712024-25) TSE-232406466693 Const: of BT Road Main Sohbat Pur Road to Qamar Deen Khosa (PSDP No.14502024-25) TSE-232406466833 Const: of BT Road Goth Muhammad Ibraheem Jakhrani (PSDP No.1451 2024-25) TSE-232406466973 Const: of BT Road Goth Ghulam Rasool (PSDP No. 1452 2024-25) TSE-242507467343 Const: /Reh: of BT Road Molvi Qadir Bakhsh toAli Abad Gola (PSDP 2024-25) TSE-242507467403 Const: of BT Road Muhammad Hassan to Shams Khan Khoso (PSDP No.1461 2024-25) TSE-242507467443 Const: of Retaining Wall on Naseer Drain Near Bhand (PSDP No. 1467 2024-25) TSE-242507467503 Const: of BT Road Eid Gah to Manjhi City (PSDP No. 1543 2024-25) TSE-242507468623 Const: of BT Road Bhand Road to Mir Gul Khan Khosa (PSDP No. 1546 2024-25) TSE-242507468683 Const: of BT Road Manzoor Khan Sadkani Khosa (PSDP No. 1464 2024-25) TSE-242507468803 Construction ofBT Road Naseer Shakh Bazar Bypass and Internal Road Jiya Khan alongwith Bridge(PSDPNo.1447204-25) TSE242507468873 Construction of BT Road Abdul Razzaq Nawarra & Const: of 3x10 Span Culvert on Shahi Wah/Panhwar Sanhrri (PSDP No.1470 2024-25) TSE-242507468983 Construction of BT Road From Adil Pur to Patfeedar Canal (PSDP No. 1502 2024-25) TSE-242507469053 E/Cost 18.857M 14.286 M 21.523 M 17.619M 15.117M 21.210M 20.524 M 12.152M 12.285 M 16.618M 16.619M 33.743 M 26.256 M 46.667 M The procurement shall be out in accordance with Baluchistan Public Procurement Regulatory Authority rules, 2014. BASIC ELIGIBILITY: The Contractor must have valid registration with Pakistan Engineering Council in relevant category C-6, C5 and above in relevant discipline (CEOI) and registration where applicable. Three Years Relevant with tax authorities i.e. (NTN & Sales Tax Depa Experience. The Bidding firm must not be blac i te by any procuring agency of Pakistan. Turn-over of last three Years. Registration Certificate in B ctive. Active Tax payer list (ATL). 2. METHOD OF PROCURMENT: Single stage- one envel p .didding Procedure. BIDDING / TENDER DOCUMENTS: Issuance: The Contractor / Firms havi egistered with PEC in aforementioned category in relevant discipline can obtain the bidding docu nts from the address mentioned below on production of green challan form for an amount mention*9bove (Non-refundable) deposited in the head ofaccount C-02716 through Government Treasury/N ti rial BankofPakistanorcan be downloaded from websiteofBPPRA, from the date of publicationof vitation on the website of BPPRA. The contractor/ firms who obtain irfg them from BPPRAwebsite will also be required to produce deposited bidding documents by do green challan form above tioned fee. The documents if requested by mail will be promptly dispatched by registered mail for w ost of mail will be borne by the applicant, however, under no circumstances the Procuring Agency I be held responsible for late delivery or loss of documents so mailed. Earnest Money as mentioneda ove should be submitted in the form of Deposit at Call or Bank Guarantee from a scheduled Bank. pg-åd Line of Submission: The Bidding Documents duly filled and attached with copies of supporting documents must be delivered in sealed envelopes by hand or through registered mail to the address mentioned below on or before 22-07-2024, up to 12:00 Hrs. Opening: The tender document will be opened on 22-07-2024, at 13:00 Hrs, before procurement committee in the presence of contractors or their authorized representatives (agents. Place of issuance and submission will be:- Address: Executive Engineer (Road) CW,PP&H Department, District Sohbat Pur Telephone No: 0838-603044 E-mailAddress: [email protected] Bid validity 90 days Terms and Conditions: Terms and conditions are mentioned (incorporated) in detail in bidding documents. A Procuring Agency may cancel the bidding process at any time prior to acceptance of bid or proposal, as per provision in BPPRAS rule 2014. Note: It may be noted that no Pay Order will be Accepted/Entertained and firm's complete Title/Name should be written on the Call Deposit. PRQ No.78/03-07e2024 O Newspaper ( 05 Jul, 2024) EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (ROAD) DEPARTMENT DISTRICT SOHBAT PUR dpr,gob @dgpr.balocbistan from Dawn dated 05 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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