Chief Minister Reforms Unit Gilgit Tender Notice for Repair & Maintances, Government Vehicles,Edible Items , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Government of Gilgit-Baltistan Chief Minister Secretariat (Chief Minister's Reforms Unit GB) No.SO(B&A)-1 (30/2024 (Procurement) Gilgit dated the 5th July, 2024 TENDER NOTICE Sealed tenders are invited from reputed government registered firms / dealers / suppliers / contractors for procurement and supplying of items / goods / services in the following categories to Chief Minister's Reforms Unit (CMRU), Gilgit-Baltistan during financial year 2024-2025. Category A B C Name of Item Edible Items Non-Edible Items / Misc Store Items Call Deposit (Pak Rupees) 200,000 200,000 Repair / Maintenance & Supply of Spare Parts of Govt. Vehicles 200,000 Last Date of Submission 22nd July, 2024 22nd July, 2024 22nd July, 2024 Note: Prescribed Form / Bidding Documents containing terms & conditions and details for each category may be obtained from the office of the undersigned from 8th July, 2024 during office hours. TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. Sealed tenders may be submitted to the undersigned on or before the date mentioned against each category by 1200 hours, which will be opened on the same day at 1230 hours in presence of contractors / suppliers or their authorized representatives at Chinar Bagh, CM Secretariat Gilgit. Contractors / suppliers may offer only the category of tender, in which he has complete set up (own shop / store / auto shop), technical experts / workers / staff, vast and past experience with documentary The contractors / suppliers must be sole proprietor having their own complete set up (shop / store / auto shop) containing adequate supplies in Gilgit Town and he will be bound to supply demanded items to the Chief Minister's Reforms Unit, Chinar Bagh, Gilgit. The bid must be accompanied a call &bullsit mentioned against each category of tender above. The bid security / call deposit in shape of Bank Draft / Pay Order issued by the bank in the name of Secretary to Chief Minister GB O may be attached with the bidding / tender documents. Tender without call deposit from the be k ill not be accepted. If any contractor/ supplier int +s to participate in more than one tenders, a separate bid for each separate category of tender must beo ered, mentioning the name of category in bold letters on envelope. ly registered firms / dealers / suppliers / contractors shall be entertained. The bidding documen The rates of those item which are not included or covered after award of tender to a successful bidder in the Prescribed Forr@Yill be determined in accordance with the prevalent retail price in the open market at the time of supply / delivery. All kinds of taxes, custom duties applicable (if any) may be included in the bid price and shall be borne by the firms / dealers / suppliers / contractors, Conditional, ambiguous & incomplete tenders shall not be accepted. Bank statement for the last 03 years, 03 years work experience in relevant field, registration certificate and non-blacklisting certificate and other supporting papers as mentioned in the bidding document must be attached with the sealed tender duly attested. The Secretary to Chief Minister, GB / PAO reserves the right to accept or reject any one or all of the tenders as per relevant instructions / guidelines of GB PPRA IDGB470/24 O Newspaper ( 05 Jul, (SHAHID IQBAL) SECTION OFFICER (B&A) Ph # 05811-922023 (IS B-G) 2024) from Dawn dated 05 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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