Public Health Engineering Division Washuk Tender Notice for Construction Of Solar Systems, Construction Of Villages, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER Executive Ergineer Pubic Health Engne,ering Wasnt,A *tuites sealed Percentage I tendets based composite schedule af rates 2023 Government cd aabchistan front cor&bullactcofirms for mentored oe&bullllow. Bid Security will be 2% Estimated cost and time "mit 30-06-2026 .N . NAME F 1 5004'. 2 3 6 ISE.ü25C7dStS03 CONSTRUCTION OFWSSWITHSOL.ARSYSTEMATINOFERENT TSE.24250748191J CONSTRUCTIONOFWSSWITHSOL.ARSYSTEMATINOFERENT TSE-242507481943 CONSTRIZTIONOFWSSWITHSOO*RSYÜEMATINOFERENT TSE-2425C74819S3 CONSTRUCTIONOFWSSWITHSCO*RSYSTEMATIU TSE.242507481%J 2?ཙ.58 1811250 1811258 2712958 Eligibility:- contractor havo reevant categori wan relevant codes, Regtstra Department who are regeared supplers a a PtOCufCm.ent with PakjStan Engineeting in &bull tag autncotæs &bulle (NTN, Sa',es 3RA payer list of FBR BRA. Finm must have retevantexgenence.AnaffdavilXon-d &bull StampPapervalvrg that thefrm hasnatoeenblacklisted by aavdapar.ment TheC.ontt'äCtor mustsut:nitø.rmfcfthree filetax I returns. Auth.arty *Iter &bulln case at company auth.aruec representatÄ*T of cctmparty WII The onNon-dud.a.1 sta:rnp papersafRs attested by &bull fist *"magistrate. nct tealbweC. Contractorsnould doa&bullnbad terderdccumentsby from . Shoold bC OtovidOd i.n the uneorsigne&bulld. i Method of Procure ISSIjance Ten&bullsor Stage. one EenveSooe Procedure BiddinWTerder CiocvnentSt wib bC iSS"JOd to Cjeür.'F&bullrm or I nco:e at BPPRA ct said crena tergetfee cd Rs. gfgreen in NBPWashuk hæctac:ccuntC, 2725-02, Oil cost earnest mongyisecur±y&bull refundable, bli submissicn date I time which can also be on . Note It may rGted ra pay ce&bullder be I and titlC" narro Shou'd bev,'t'ttont&euroi the deposit Sub:miSSion: Thc along With Ot at 01 PM I geesence 01 manufacturer-sjfirmsrthyrpmyoetnev agents, place of issuance inquiries and opening win be: ACdress: Office c' Executrve Engnee« PHE FaxNo:C8QS20t20 PRO No, 10704-07-2024 c ews paper Executive Engineer PHE Division Washuk u, from Jang dated 05 July, 2024
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