Public Health Engineering Division Usta Muhammad Tender Notice for Rehabiliation Of Water Supply Schemes,Construction,Civil Works,Provision Of Solar Water Supply,Solar System,Solar Works,Installation Of Solar System,Solar Panel , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER S.eaJCC ga!kX1 schedule 'A' CcntractonF•rm Of Publtc Health Ersaineern•g aepöt'trrvent Balac.heggnand registered with BPPRA '*ho are enlisted' renewal their mame fortne curer: firanctal rear i32&2Siar amesi Money 2% in shape of COR. rime limit 30-06-2026 for each work- 3. 4. S. 6 9, Name e' WATER SUPPLY PHASE.I SIO,'CENIRlFUCALPUV9 WATER PHASE.a OISTRICT USTA MUHAMMAO HOPE REHAB'UtAtOK'*PROVÉkNt OF WATER SUPPLY SCHEME OIStRICt ustA o' HOPE P IUMV ANO LAYING OF PIPE FOR USu MUHAUMAO AND SURROUNCAO AREAS OF "TRICT uSu CChStRUCtON OF WATER SCHEME DISTAZT USTA Cost 220917B'- fi234'3'- 2830% Grett Fee tsco 150 15m HOPE WATER SUPPLY SC*EME OSTRICt MCRAWAD HOPE Iltnrtt OF GHAZI USIA 13 242507475773 COSStRUCtON OF WATER SUPPLY SCHEME OSTRICT USTA 01 HOFE COhSTRUCTON OF WATER SUPPLY SCHEME VILLAGE WANOAD WC FAIZABAD OOSTR'CT USTA sun* o' HDPE suppu SCHEME ANO OVER HEO TANK AT OARGAH BAHU 0'StRICt usn o' HOPE o' H DF'E 1 ICom E ng'neor Contractors"rms alcog '*ith sealed fi,ec LAI If'terestec usta MChammad invites tecttntäl proposal Of propo•lslSimgle Stage-One Envelope ) for abwe to acxuments as in SJJVCOt1 01 O'O•turcrnerd Shal I cariCd out itt with Babchtgar Pubic Regealü'/. Rules N14.and Pakistan Ergineerng Courcil By-Lns BASIC ELIGIBILITY: The C.onÜ—ctHmusl val'"] regtstratjcn i.e 2024-25 P*jstan Engineering Council iffteai.iirec disapåt&' and fresh reg.straton,filies i.e (NTNSl•es Oeøartroeror.d BRA) as with BPPRA '*here agc•lica.ü. The tidder must compete swilar rature menbcn •n fre biding documents. METHOD OF PROCUREMENT: I stage -Ono TENOER OOCUMENTS•. Issuance: The bidde}s can obtain the bidding dccurrter,t from the Bidtess menbaned at:ove on of form for each shcrnn agatnsteac:h in tne head o' 1302726-02 SUØly 'Sea. Sara Of P*jstart usta or can be domloaded from the webSiteaf BPPRA (wwe mppra.pb.p€3 , durngworörghcur. iecateafpu:bbcatonatthis nvtat:jon tnne•aspagers day pnotto tne lastaat,e afs,unmisson. from will a;so 00 requited to procedure d0VOSitØd green Challan Of aot•ve meciti•cred Fee. bdS must accomp•nied bid secv•ity 'Technical Bid' fcteach work in lhe form of catl deposit are bank guarantee of amount the off.cenamectttse under Signed froma scneøule,d bank Ko any Bank Drafts & Check wÜl be accegtablt Tech!'ircal and mancal VC•ØCGü seaxtdvn one separate n,'0'cpceoarty bede;iv€Edby hand or t.ywghregisæred mai Othe address rnenoonedbelowcnor oefore '9July 2024, at 12:00 PM Opening: Bids' on the same day 19 in the presence ofbidders authorized attent letter. Bids Validity'. Vitety days Place: The it'•qvtiCS ara ovenirtgwilte The Engireel PHE Divisicn Mohammad. CONDITIONS All the terms and conditions can be seen/oua:iniß the Office orthe uncersigned in any officehours PRO '*6.9204-07.2024 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING DMSION USTA MUHAMMAD Ju, c eWS paper from Jang dated 05 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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