Public Health Engineering Division Mastung Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing,Solar System,Solar Works,Installation Of Solar System,Solar Panel,Supply And Installation Of Solar System , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER sealed ganoptenteran 'B' .1 3.11 as per scr.ecu'.e ' ASE' are Irorn approved Goverrtment ContranariJFrrn Putljc Hean Engneenrg Oepat&bulltment are renewal thet name fcrhecufnmcial year 2026-25 fortne forowing wc"s E,' Voney in shape of CDR. Tinte limit 3006-2025 for each work Ill a 3 II Ill 5 II Ill 6 II Ill Ill 8 II Ill 10 Ill 11 II Ill 12 II Ill 13 Ill Ill Narrse CONSTRUCTION OF WSSXILLISHAPCHKIRDGAB DISTRICT 00 upto 1000 feet depth Suppwg tnstxatorafS0WSystem HP CIVILWOR'KLayirg, Jointing c' Pipe Line CONSTRUCTIONOFWSS HAJIMUHAVMAO AYOUB Instauator&bull0fS0krSystom 25 HP NEAR CONSTRUCTION OFWSSKILLIARBARABADOASHT MAIORA DISTRICT MASTUNC" IPSPO DO o' Bore upt01CSCfeetdepe&bullt Sup* & rnsWlaiorafSalat&bullSystem &3hP feetuaying. ofPi0CLine CONSTRUCTION OFWSSKILLIRAISBAOALKHAN t00Rl Sup" a l.nsEWeonafSalæSystem 25hP feetAnd Laying: .hirSng of Poe Line CONSTRUCTION OFWSSKILLITULUSPIUNJIOASHT DISTRICT d Bore upto "DOO r:yPadJ Suppb'& ltnstütorafSalæSystem YJ HP ree&bull-tAt'dLayng. .10iTti"'A Lit"e CONSTRUCTION OFWSSKIWIHAJIMUBARAK feet Annayng, uoinirg CONSTRUCTION OFWSSXILLITAXKARIABOUL KAREEMRODENIOISTRICTWASTUNG cd Bore upt01C00feetdep% Supph'& tnstütior.0fS01*System 25 HP CIVIL WORK (Conseu.eonafPumpHouseSize3X10 feetA.n,dLayng. uoint:irg cdP.e CONSTRUCTION OF WSSKILLIATTAULLAHABABAKI KIROGABOISTRICTMASTIJNGIPSPOO") CVD cdBore ugto IDOC' reeldepth Sup." & tngtütZr.OfSOl&'System 25 HP SumirQ0fHDPEPipe190mmß300Rtt CIVILWORH ozorstructi&bullar.c&bull' Pvmp House Size8X10 'Oit&bullttlrg O" CONSTRUCTIONOFWSSKILUMUHAVMAOZAMAN MENGALWROGA301STRlCT UASTUNG"IPSPOSIOI} Suppwg HP CIVIL WORK (Laying. ofPlpeLjne) CONSTRUCTIONOFWSS ASHKHAN SHAH MAQSOOOROOENIOISTR/CTMASTUNG* (PSPD5114} O'O o' Bore upto ID00fee1depth Supptv& EnstütorafSalæSystem 25 HP CIVILWORKlcorst,uctionc'PompHwgeSQe8XlO fecund L ay&bullng. CONSTRUCTIONOFWSSKIWMAORASAMULEMUM VASTUNG" Sup" g tnswatorafSa,læSystem 25HP C' Pin CONSTRUCTION OF WSS o' Bore upto 1000 feet deptn System 400'JRft 140b 'Set Per. Rt 'Sot 'Set 'Set Per.Rft 140b 'Set Per-Rft 100b 1.10b 'Set Per-Rft 133b lhb 'Set Per. Rft 100b Iset Por.Rft 140b Iset 1.10b ISet Per. Rft 'Set Per-Rft 'Set 1.10b 1 Job feetAndLaytng, -Ointirg CONSTRUCTIONOFWSSXILLIUCZSKHAO OISTRICT DO cdBore upto 1000 feetdepth 1.10b Supøtf'& 12.SP. Iset CONSTRUCTIONOFWSSKILUGHULAUU HAVMAO TEHRAMAI'RAISANIOASHTOIST ASTUNG" (PSP05314J Sucea 30 HP %intjrg Line 140b ISct ng6.382 23.38482 2,144.995 5883.235 9,709.440 26',zss 855,662 9302.320 202.013 601.324 &euromgzo 8,642.400 1,488.974 7v313.2S0 6246.240 7,313.280 1/336.275 J.ags.uo 5,539.040 11/351,600 TSE,NOS 2Z2SOUü003 242sout70t3 242507477333 242507477403 242507477753 242507477863 :uzsoung-13 242507478143 242507479133 242507479163 242507479193 242507479223 242507479323 242507479343 242507479433 242507479483 24250709503 2425074795.33 242507479563 242507479723 242507479753 242507479783 242507479853 2Z2SOUtg873 242507479953 msoung63 242507480003 24250700023 242507480093 2Z2:50UB0123 24250700133 242507480153 Contractors-fin-ns along mentioned wore EXECUTIVE of sealed fnmc:ial vcpasas (Single Stage-One Envelope J for bidders are required 10 submit Ocuments as per Erie's support of in&bullcial propsal :The prccuren&bullaent shai be out in accordance Regulatory, Rotes 2014 artd Paustart Eng&bullnoeting Counci BASICE:LIGIBILJTY must havo v&bullalid rcgiMratian iO 2024&bull25wth Pakistan Council in reqv,ted Categoriin relevantdisciplineispecianycodeat"d tax authorities TQTN, sales tax Department and BRA) where applcable. bidder must similar nature assignment mention in the tiding donnert:s. ME-THOO OF PROCUREMENT: ISirgle Stage&mdashOne bidding procedure adoptee. BOOING TENDER OOCUMENTS: The bidders can Obtain tmtiddtvg docurner.l the menton above on oroductjcn Of green Chavan an arraunt C' 6SU&bull 1500" artd 3500" 'Ot each W'OtkS howa SteaChdO NSited the Civil through Ot Pakistan canoe Ownbaded frc«m the webyte ,duringworönghour, fram date of pubcatjan of 'lis in newspapet&bulls till ray prior to the last date of submissionu Ttƈ obtain bid.Org do:uments t"' doxnlaading them from BPPRA webste wit also 'equire&bulld to protoeuro deposited green Challan from above Fee. The bidS must accoe&bullwartieø security&bull rec,hfiical Bid the af can deposit are tank guarantee 01 amount specified aeov,e in office rarne af lhe ur.detsigræc tc«n a sc.neauea t:enk. No any Dtafts Check Will be Dead line Of s and flftat&bulltc.ial from intending sealed in one sep&bullrate envelope clearly maåed wth Wark tite & type of proposal nust be delivered by hard cr through registered mail 10 he adCt&bulles mentioned belc',vcnor before Dated :19th July 2024at 10:00 AM Opening: The em&bullelcpe cordaining -Technical te opened ca garne day Dated 19th Jilly 2024 at 11:00A.M betre procurement committee il t.r&bull orosencc Of tidders Ot thCit authOfi&d who toati end with auevcrity Bit'S Validity: NINTY DAYS (901days The place of issuance, submission.inquiries&bullndopening willbe officeofthe Evecutive EngineerPHE Oistrict Vastumg, CONOITIONS AJI the terms and conditions tan be seen Obtain in Office Of in Olfice PRO c ews paper EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, PUBLIC MUSTUNG u, from Jang dated 05 July, 2024
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