Communication Works Physical Planning & Housing Department Nushki Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER he EXOCufjvc Ergaoet4ROatm WPP&H oopartment NOShki GO. B up to date from ifdereste•d catmeact0f&9ms me wc." 'Sted Earnest Tift•te S Mo. Nameo' Work 2. 3. .CCNSTOF&TROADKILLIM.HASSANM.HASUVALLOISTRICTNUSHKI psop NO CONStOF DISWCI PSOPN01642(ZWU032TlTSE.242S074U133 PSOP E,'Cost 19.812M 11810M 14-86M CONSTOFBTROADANOORAINSAROARLIAOUATMENGALSTREETOÅZIAB.AO 21.791M the Shall oe camec Pubic Procurement Reguutcry Authohty rules 2M a BASIC ELIGIBILITY. The Caetraeor wifi Tax authontjes Le. (NTN, BRA and sales Tax oepanmenlärd in WiC RegistratOn Nth Pa,kjStan Engineegiro council in requied Categcry (C-S) who tmvear valid upto rate. Three Years Relevant Experierce in Road Turnover *as: yea's fharciat caoacity cd te 9m Bidder must last 3 OF PROCUREMENT re carre,ä out by AA.spb:ng 'Single Stage-Two enve;oge Procedute•. BIOOdKG/TENOER OOCUMEVTS:- Issuance: - The firms havin Bith PEC in tt tan •t•b'.ait! address an ct green tjrm tgp.ositea in the reat account Cad _ gat•A Nu;SF'kj 2024. , (fort' "h is Wiitaton iO newspapers one day last date submiSSijn tt ate car be Purchase Cdce Engu•eer WPP&H cu.nng wor•ng yours tja the day of oper.rg cd renders before It *ith pay ordet'Demanc Draft A:ncuntjng Rs. ZOCO.'-•h of Execuove Engineer Roads The ccntractcrsf firms bidding dca:nents by them from BFPRAweosdewill ako be required to green chan—tl 'cor. c' above ree. ThOdOtumentS requested by mail Wil bC coatt;OydispathOd registered mail 'or of WII oe me applicant ixraev,er uncer ro the Ptoc:uhng be heid resoorst:t/e late or lcss cd •dcccments so rraied Ernest as be Cal a ORAD LINE OF SUBMISSION: The Bidding Occumeng üly filkd ard atta-t'*d musl be delivered in sealed envehpes by hard ccthmush regist n. Jury. 2024 OPENING', Thc 2024. at 1200 P", before procurement cammittee tn the PLACE OF LSSUANCE AN Engineer of sup,gomng dccumeng the ad&æsmentioned below be 22, c' contractcrs or neir authortzec ISSION WILL BE Address. Address: Éiai'ba10Ch55@Wäiicom. TE S N CONDITIONS: and conetjans are in tail in bddit•tg IS, A Procuring bidding "AidilY pet'iod Ninety iSO•d8'tSJ mayeme•d that no omer we te accepted entertajneø and frm:s corn.$ele iMeshar-te should be he call deccsit. The ø.artopant contractors shcdd have Road CCdes il c:tncorned C*egory C-S O' atme. Pgo:luce Original C.N,LC, PEC ard Certificate. Stmdar nab-re Mas, Conyacts completed ir lag Tt'tee Years vaüe c' each for However. letær C' tidders are required to Excavator furnished Magistrate. Completion of tnese war€s attestec. All Prospeewe mynership Cedficate tease agreemen of eq'jp-nenfs te Air (Gi) th Technical Procopi on Jueciai Stump Paper attested t"' Fist Class evauatjcect tectiflical Prospective EiØd,ers are HgnwayEngir*11B.E. Civowith at veaSl years exwi•encoi. (iil Ovantity IOAE Civil *ith at Jeast5 years "&vart evenence). Sun•eycr• IOAE, Cthl With at least S Yeats teevant field expenence) cn Aldicia:f Stamp-Paperdoly attested by Frsl Class Magistrato The biddedslwdl be 'equired to offer hisheir estimated this ne wa ee agøcaote Icreacn ern of BOO for which smed•u'.e be no marae c' rate Judos Stamp Paget attested Ciass Magistratea:nng •mttvtl•.e Proposal. tne bdd•ers are requited to Sön sramp gages O' 8 &dS. *hkh iS mat'd,atc.m me Shan batyeiar legal ROGCNOS r•ttoacceptor rejottaeoranybid (S) PRO c ews paper St'4it»r (ROMS} Corvnvözbon 'iVPP&H Departrnera u, from Jang dated 05 July, 2024
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