Communication Works Physical Planning & Housing Department Gandawah Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE ISE-2Z2SOU82tt3 Only electronic bid submitted, Mo physical bid is required. Note: In All ProcurememtsofGOB Whether Through Electronic or Manual Bid Submission. It is Mandatory For All Biddes to Get Registered At Electronic Public Procurement System of BPPRA GOB. The EXECUTIVE ENGINEER asR OISTRICT MAGS! from for execution of following wrks for the Year 2024 based cn Composite schedule rates 2018 on Percentage Rates. TerderFée Yd Securo 2% s.uo NameoIWorkfs I REVANIVGW'CRKWITHREVISEOLEVGTHFCR%'ICENINGA STRUCTURE WCRKNAUTAL GANOAWAH VAGSI 1 CQ DISTRICT 'li4ALMAGSJ.PSYW.982,Z02S-2024 (Z20te.190C). shall be made Länder the Bazct'istan Publi: Procurement RL&s &mdash 201<. Eligibility of Bidders: Presence in Actis&bulle Tax Payer List The bid&ng frm must nct tiadhsted by &bullny p& agency Pakistan. 8älOChiStan Revenue Authority RegiStratjTi iS required. The tidder must O" girnilar Tum "vet O! at least 1.684.6Cq.400 in] subsequent previous years showhg finæl&bullcål capacity af he frm. Registration with Pakistan Ergineering courol (PECI C-1 a,rZ &bullb0&bullve upta 2330 And Speciatzed COde iS (Bhd&bullge Structure* CEOZ. CEICXiHGenetaI EOI&bullli) (RO.9da"dPavements Orairtagea Retait&bulltittg Structure (Wit" Revenue 'tender Feoqs. ift stage of GreenChallan. Deposit Fee Ircem Scheduled Barkin shape of COR Biddershall rolha&bull.e he C.cnff.ct ottnteree. The 'Conflictof Interestmeanstal'*herea V voides, or CtCOid&bulle, or porcei',Td grccutit&bullg «vcy to cotan an undue &bull anyternunerat10fidirecllY0finørec:ny in the ass&bullgnrrært except as freoantræ any engagement in ccrtsullrng cc other vccvement activitjes a contractor. service the nn1iCtS With NS rü a relatat$Fip with giftrurih.g the whom an Of engaged in he procurement.rocesshas a economic inarostin the cuccmoaf process of a direct Ct i,rtdtect ntaara.Aupendirg l&bullog.atiCt' Shill in tata reorosent tho (50%'/ ct he bidders ret aroshall oe treated as rescoed against bidder. All Nore performance cd a cartract dd nat he tast S years pt&bulliar to the deadline ftv bid submission based on all i7fce&bullmatjcn or fijly or A WI} settled dispute critgaticn is cne t.t*t has been resot8Ɔd in the OiSO&bullutC ROGOiJtjon Me:nariGrn ho respective contract and where a' appeal to the apgb:ant have teen exhausted. Nat beng u:t'de&bull' executon c' a bd securing aearation for last 5 years Capabilt±s twing man power technical or nonw technical, documentary Of equipment ard Olants Showing ae capacity cd firm. performnto Expenencc thC t:orttD10tjon Of Various '/N06s c' Roars ara gti&euroos nature. 2 NOG. Of ati#Sfftißt firm Bid Security: bits accompany Security the Batik Guramtee,Oeposit at Call of 2 % Wined above in the name c' he under-saned from a scnedulec oara. tender Documents: NIT & Bidding oocurnera car te Ot:eaed ekCtroröcaqy from essuance 01 tender oocvments.&bullC0ff01ete Bidding oocurnem 00 at Last Oate Of bid submission: July, 2024ti11 12:00 PH through oshba,arw Tender opening: AJI terva,ers oe same day at PM on EPPS System Address: b r gardawah ax no: C" i 430JWEmai'l! PRO No.gqoa-07-202ß c eWS paper EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (ROADS) CW PP&H OEPARTMENT DISTRICT JHAL MAGSI AT GANOAWAH -apkgob u, from Jang dated 05 July, 2024
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