Board Of Revenue Gilgit Tender Notice for Procurement Of General Order Supply,Utility Charges,Stationery and Printing Materials,Repair and Maintenance Of Government Vehicles,Furniture and Fixture,Purchase Of Machinery and Equipments , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** No. PPRA.I (Gd. BoRY2024 GOVERNMENT OF GILGIT BALTISTAN GILGIT BALTISTAN BOARD OF REVENUE TENDER NOTICE Seal tcneers arc jnvt0d from roøot0d reg&bullstcrcd govemmont films' ooaorst supptiersr Contractors tot ptctutement Of the f01W.&bullang categories Of Regular 8 land Prosect ETI let financial years 2024&bull25. Detail is tabulated bolow:. 01 charges 02 Statö&iand J' matonat Ot Repat.'Mäintonance Govt Vet-tecs 04 Purchaseof furniture 05 PurcfrßeodMach..nory TERMS & CONDITIONS:- sooco. 30,001'. 30,oco. 23072024 230%202. timo 02COPM torn AM oftond&bullr 02:30PM 0230PM 0230PM SoaJ0d ton&bulldOCS tOChthiC,al and crtVOIOW*Y rrvust bo suba'littod to undorse.gnod on tho clostng dato Which Will open tho comrnttteo on amvo dato of their authorized Rovenuo Offco. GO't. Contractors.'SkMNiers rnay offer havo setup tune ptosen&bullto Od' tho at GB Board catcwy o' tender in *hich tho St&bullop Wth atl 3. 6, 7. The contractorsuppbet rnust have supptytStOCk in C Terwcr or each category must Of"ctcd rncotß0ing narnc 01 catcgory in bold Thc b'd secunty,'Ca11 ecpogoundable} in shape o' bank drafl a schedülc bank in narng 000. GB Board O' Revenue may be with the (Tec:hnical docu&bullments. Tender 'Mthout car depost from a bank entertai"lOd Tho biddtr,$ docum$ti ot registered furrr&dealeesj suppt&bullrsJ contractors The rates o' not enlisted in the &bullProscribed Fo.&bullm&bull be determined in accordance '.'hth rate tho tirno Of suppty- anc encomøeto tenders o«boaccepted Bank statement for year. two years' '*OCk experience in relevant firm, registration cott'ficato- Non-Black fisted affidavit. CNC or tho owner, lotter pad Ot firm wth address Ver&bulld0t & Telephone tecnmcal attested. 10, ard dubi.*J.S rates Offered by the t. fares any) be ihCtüSive in the 12. Thc fÉhttoacccptoe rgcctanyooe« an the tenders as tctcvan: o' PPR'K, (Muhammad Bilal Niaz) Assistant Secretary GB. BOR Ph#05811-927703 IOGB.466/24 o Newspaper u , 2uz4) from Jang dated 05 July, 2024
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