Peshawar Development Authority Peshawar Auction Notice for Auction,Vehicles For Sale,Vehicles Auction,Cars For Sale , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PESHAWAR DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OPEN AUCTION NOTICE Development Authority intends to auction 04-uos Vehicles / Machinery (Light Vehicles & Heavy Machinery) as listed below on the basis of "As is where is". Open auctm proceedings will be held on 30/07/2024 i.e Tuesday at 1 0:30 AM at PDAofficer's club phase-V Hayatabad Peshawar. S. No Vehicle Make 1 Mitsubishi 1' Lancer 2 Mitsubishi/Lancer 3 Daihatsu / Coure 4 Mechanical Sweeper Model 2005 2005 2008 1994-95 Re istration No. A-5564 A-5565 AA-2759 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The light vehicles can be inspected at PDA machinery workshop, site office, D-5 Phase-I Hayatabad, whereas the machinery/mechanical sweeper at S. No. 04 can be inspected at PDA Asphalt plant situated at Phase-V Hayatabad on any working day during working hour(s) till the auction date. Interested Bidder(s) have to deposit / submit call deposit amounting to Rs. 100,000/- (One Lac Rupees) per vehicle / machinery as a bid security in the name of Director General PDA Peshawar on or before the auction date i.e 30/07/2024. The call deposit shall he returned to unsuccessful bidder(s) after completion of auction proceedings. The successful bidder(s) shall deposi onefo ofthe bid amountwith PDAcn the same day in shapeof CDR, otherwise his/h r e considered as cancelled and the security amount shall stand forfeited in favor case of any mis-hap / emergency / bank closuretheamountshallbedepos cash tothe auctioncommittee). The successful bidder(s) will have deposit the remaining bid amount along with all the government (Income Tax etc) within Seven (07) days of approval of bid, otherwise one forth (1/0 & amountshallstandforfeited in favor of PDA, The Officers/0fficialspV arDeveIopmentAuthoritycannotparticipateintheauction. The successful shall pay all the applicable government taxes I KPRA taxes as per prevailing rates. The be responsible for taking over &shall liftthe auctioned vehicles / machinee'lthin Fifteen (15) days from the issuance ofthe work order. The cp0)petent authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bid(s) assigning cog The SUCCeSSfUI bidder(s) shall register the concern auctioned vehicle(s) / machinery in his name immediately after fulfillment of all codal formalities. Bidder(S) / Participant(s) shall bring his / her name immediately after fulfillment of all codal formalities. Deputy Director (Machinery) Peshawar Development Authority Site office Phase-I, Hayatabad Peshawar091-9217800 O Newspaper ( 05 Jul, 2u24) from Aaj dated 05 July, 2024
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