Punjab Institute Of Mental Health Lahore Auction Notice in Express newspaper of 04 July, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Punjab Institute Of Mental Health Lahore Auction Notice ( ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Punjab Institute Of Mental Health Lahore Auction Notice for Procurement Of Security Services,Janitorial Services,Purchase Of Linen Items,Purchase Of Uniform,Purchase Of Stationery Items,Computer Stationery,General Store Items,Auction Of Parking Stand,Empty Cartons,Purchase Of Medicines,Surgical and Disposable Items , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUNJAB INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH, LAHORE AUCTION I TENDER NOTICE 2024-25 Sealed bids of the following categories, addressed to the Exeative Director, Purgab InstMe Mental Health, Låore, are Invited mder PPRA Weg 2014 (amended), The bidder participating must not be blacWisted by the procuring agercy or by the PPRA in whole Punjab. Bidder must have registration with releva-/t Tax Departmmts Govt. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. Description Framevvotk contrad for Purchase of drugs/medicines/ medical devices I surgical & items (Tender•03) Outsourcing of Janitorial Setvices F.Y 24-25 Outsourcing Of Security Services F.Y 24•25 Outsourcing of electrification & solar operations & maintenance senices F.Y 24•25 Purchase of Linen items F.Y 24-25 Purchase of Uniform for Employees F.Y 24-25 purchase of Stationery items FY 24•25 purctuse of Ccmputer Stationery items FY 2425 purchase of Prirding tems F.Y 24•25 Purchase Of General Store items F .Y 24-25 Auction of Pading Stand (if not finalized on first date. the and 3" date of auction be 25-07-2024 & 2607-2024. Bid security Rs. 50.0001. CDNCash. F.Y2Q5 Auction of Empty canons Gatta (if rnt finalized on first dale, the *024. Bid secuity Rs. 30.0001. CDPJCash. F.Y 24-25 General Auction of un senqceable I condemned anjctes. Clf not finaüzed on first date, the and 3" date oi aucticn will be 25-07-2024 & 26-07-2024. Bid ks.ü,ow. CDRCash. F.Y24-25 Walk in registration of Bidders for Vmited Purchase Through Quotation (LPQ) For Medd surgical Disposable & laboratory etc. FY24-25 Walk in regstratjon of local purchase on Day-to-Day vendors (LPDD) for medicines, surgical & disposable etc. EY 24-25 Date & Time for Date & Time submlsslon of for opening of Tender 10:30 AM 22-07-2024 10:30AM 23-07-2024 100 AM 24-07-2024 10:30 AM 29-07-2024 Tender 11:00 AN 22,07-2024 11:00 m 23-07-2024 ll:oom 24-07-2024 11:00AM &07-2024 Tender doauments contain terms & conditions and quantities where applicable. After the tender notice pUished in newspaper a copy of biddng documems is available on the website cf Pug)ab Procureme•tt Reguatcry Authority my.ppreæiab Foc Tenders, an bds shOJld be ümitted in a single separate envehps Single stage — Two envelope procedurø specified in PPRA Rules, 2014 (amended), EEh envebpe shdl be dearly matted as *Tednical Prcposar and 'Financial Prcposar. Bidder must submit fresh CDR/ Bank Guzar.tee @ 01% of estirnated price as a Bid Security (refundable) In the name of Exectntve Director, Pu*b InstiMe of Mental HeaHh Lahore with the FINANCIAL Proposal. No tender wil be accepted wfthout Bid Security & such tenders be rejected. Tender will be submitted at the Purchase Cell of Pu*b of Mental Health, Lahcte. In case any official or locd holiday, falling on the last date for submission of the bids. the wortmg day at.nomatically be the last date for and opening of the bids. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Punjab Institute of Mental Health, Lahore O Newspaper ( 04 Jul, 2024) IPL-6392 from Express dated 04 July, 2024
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