Public Health Engineering Division Khuzdar Tender Notice for Solar System,Solar Works,Installation Of Solar System,Solar Panel,Solar Tube Well,Bring Works,Solar Water System , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The undersigned invites sealed Percentage rate tenders based on composite schedule of rates 2023 Government of Balochistan from interested contractor/firms for the works mentioned bellow Tender Fee Rs. 1000 of each TSE/Works and deposited in head of account C02725&bull02 through Bank in NBP, Earnest Money 2% of E/Cost offered Rate in Shape of Call Deposit for each work. Sr. No. Name ofscheme 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, 9. SOLAR WSS X 03 FOR KILLI GABROO , DARWAZOO & PUSHAK TOOTAK UNDER PSDP-5546 1. DDofTubeWelIBoreTSE-242507477523 2. S/lnst.OfS01arSystemTSE-242507477723 SOLAR WSS FOR KILLIABDUL MAJEED SORGHAZ, DISTRICT KHUZDAR. UNDER PSDP-5645 1. DDofTubeWelIBoreTSE.242507478363 2. S/lnstOfS01arSystemTSE-242507478443 3 SOLAR WSS FOR KILI MUZZI TOORTAK *KILI BUNAKOT a TAKARI LAHI BUKHSH BUNAP DIST KHUZDAR UNDER PSDP-5661 1. DDofTubeWelIBoreTSE-242507477783 2. S/lnst.OfS01arSystemTSE-242507477873 SOLAR WATER SUPPLY SCHEME FOR KILI GIRI GERESHA,KILI MOLA BUKHSH GONI GERESHA& BIZNPOOR DIST KHUZDAR UNDER PSDP-5665 li DDofTubeWelIBoreTSE.242507475323 2. S/lnst.OfSolarSystemTSE.242507475473 SOLAR WATER SUPPLY SCHEME FOR KILI ZAGAR MENGALtKlLl SALEHZAI & KILI DOSTEENZAI FEROZABAD DISTKHUZDAR UNDER PSDP-5693 1. DDofTubeWelIBoreTSE-242507475693 2. S/lnst.OfSolarSystemTSE.242507475803 WSSALONG WITH SOALR FOR KILLI MEER MUHAMMAD MULLAZAI *KILI NATHOO & KILI ABDULHAKEEM NATWANI FEROZABAD DISTKHUZDAR UNDER PSDP-5698 2. S/lnstOfSolarSystemTSE.242507475953 SOLAR WATER SUPPLY SCHEME FOR KILI LAGHAR CHEEB, KILI MUHAMMAD ISHAQ MEERWNI USAMA KHORD PARKOO DIST KHUZDAR UNDER PSDP-5702 1. DDofTubeWelIBoreTSE-242507476033 2. S/lnstOfSolarSystemTSE-242507476133 SOLAR WATER SUPPLY SCHEME FOR KILI KUNJ PASHAK & KLIALI MUHAMMAD PARKO PSDP-5711 1. DDofTubeWeIIBoreTSE-242507476243 2. S/lnst.OfSolarSystemTSE-242507476413 SOLAR WATER SUPPLY SCHEMEFOR KILI PUSHAK BDRANG MADRASA & DARULHUDANOGHETEHSlLBAGHBANADlSTKHUZDARUNDERPSDP-5714 1. DDofTubeWelIBoreTSE-242507476523 2. S/lnst.OfSolarSystemTSE-242507476703 10. SOLAR WATERSUPPLY SCHEME FOR KILI IRFAN, VEDERA FAROOQ MUGHLI DISTKHUZDAR UNDER PSDP-5718 1. DDofTubeWelIBoreTSE-242507476763 2. S/lnst.OfS01arSystemTSE-242507476843 11. SOLAR WATER SUPPLY SCHEME FOR KILI DOSTEEN KURD ,H.RAZAQZAIDI COLONI & HAJI MUHAMMAD NOOR MADRASADISTKHUZDAR UNDER PSDP-5721 1. DDofTubeWelIBoreTSE-242507476603 2. Slinst.OfSolarSystemTSE-242507476643 12. SOLAR WSS FOR GERI GRESHA TAHIR GRESHA& MOHLAABDUL HALIM GERESHATEHSIL NALDIST KHUZDAR UNDER PSDP- 5724 1. DDofTubeWelIBoreTSE-242507476723 2. S/lnst.OfS01arSystemTSE-242507476813 13. SOLAR WATER SUPPLY SCHEME FOR MAGSI KHAN GHULAMANI, SADIQ GHULAMANI DIST KHUZDARUNDER PSDP-5725 1. DDofTubeWelIBoreTSE-242507475623 2. S/lnst.OfS01arSystemTSE-242507475723 14. SOALR WATERSUPPLY SCHEME FOR KILI KIAZAI ,KILI NAND WANI FEROZABAD DIST KHUZDAR UNDER PSDP-5730 1. DDofTubeWelIBoreTSE-242507475853 2. S/lnstOfS01arSystemTSE-242507476003 15. SOLAR WATER SUPPLY SCHEME FOR KILI TOBARRO NAL,AKRAM KARKOO NAL ,KILI GONI GERE-SHANAL & NASEER JAWRJI DIST KHUDAR UNDER PSDP-5734 2. S/lnstOfS01arSystemTSE-242507477613 16. SOLAR WATERSUPPLY SCHEME FOR KILLI DULARI KILLIATTAULLAH KILLIHABIB KORRASK TEHSIL NALDIST KHUZDAR UNDER PSDP-5738 1. DDofTubeWeIIBore TSE-242507477353 2. Slinst.OfS01arSystemTSE-242507477443 17. SOLAR WATER SUPPLY SCHEME FOR PARKOJOALANGI MUHAMAMD HASAN MOHALA& KILI MURTAZADIST KHUZDAR UNDER PSDP-5752 1. DDofTubeWelIBoreTSE-242507477493 2. S/lnstOfS01arSystemTSE-242507477553 18. WSSALING WIH SOLAR SYSTEM FOR KILI RAMZAN tKlLl REKO & WAHID BUKHSH RAJKHSHANI DIST KHUZDAR UNDER PSDP-5780 1. DDofTubeWelIBoreTSE-242507476073 2. S/1nstOfSolarSystemTSE.242507476173 19, SOLARWATERSUPPLYSCHEME FOR KILLIABDULHAMEEDASTHKHELI, MUHAMAMD KHAN DAHL, MOLVIATTAULLAH &AHMAD KARKOO DIST KHUZADAR UNDER PSDP.5785 1. DDofTubeWellBoreTSE.242507477793 2. S/lnst.OfS01arSystem TSE-242507477883 20. WSSALONG WIH SOLAR SYSEM FOR KILI KHALIDABAD NALASTHAKHLI ,CITY NAL ,KILI LAGHARCHEEB DISTKHUZDAR UNDER PSDP-5790 1. DDofTubeWelIBore TSE-242507476163 2. S/lnstOfS01arSystem TSE-242507476233 21. SOLAR WSS FOR KILLI KHAIRHAWADISTRICT KHUZDAR. UNDER PSDP.5815 1. DDofTubeWelI BoreTSE.242507478403 2. S/lnstOfSolarSystemTSE.242507478473 22. SOLAR WATER SUPPLY SCHEME FOR KILI MUHAMMAD KHAN KAREEM ABAD MUGHLI NOGHEY DIST KHUZDAR UNDER PSDP.5837 1. DDofTubeWelIBoreTSE-242507476973 2. S/lnstOfSolarSystemTSE.242507477033 23. SOLAR WATER SUPPLY SCHEME FOR ISMAILZEHTI HAFIZ MUHAMMAD. TARIQ MARDOI &AHMAD GONGOW 01ST KHUZDAR UNDER PSDP.5838 1. DDofTubeWeIIBoreTSE-242507477903 2. S/lnstOfSolarSystemTSE-242507478043 24. WSSAONGWITHSOLARSYSTEM FORMASTERMANZOORMUHALA,ABDULLAH SHAHWANI & IQBALMENGALKHIJZDAR CITY UNDER PSDP-5841 1. DDofTubeWeIIBoreTSE-242507476363 2. S/lnst.OfSolarSystemTSE-242507476533 25. WSSALONGWITH ,KILI MANAN FAQEERABAD & KILIABDULHAKEEM ZEHRI DIST KHUZDAR UNDER PSDP-5888 1. DDofTubeWelIBore TSE-242507476453 2. S/lnstOfSolarSystemTSE-242507476563 26. SOLAR WSS FOR HAFIZABAD ,KILIKHALID GRESHA, KILI MUHAMMAD HAYAT TEHSIL NAL DIST KHUZDAR UNDER PSDP-5893 1. DDofTubeWellBoreTSE-242507476313 2. S/lnst.OfSolarSystemTSE-242507476423 27. SOLAR WATERSUPPLY SCHEME FOR KILI GHANAWI, KILI MUGHLI SHERKI DIST KHUZDAR UNDER PSDP-5913 1. DDofTubeWellBore TSE-242507477 2. S/lnstOfSolarSystemTSE-24250747 3 28. SOLARWSS 1. DDofTubeWelIBoreTSE-242507478583 2. S/lnst.OfS01arSystemTSE-?42507478603 29. SOLAR WSS FOR KIAQAT GERÉSHA, BABLI GERESHA, MEER NASEEB JLAL ABAD KODA&ABDULGHAY9ERESHAKODATEHSlLNALDlSTKHUZDAR UNDER PSDP-5951 1. DDofTubeWelIB e SE-242507478043 2. S/lnst.OfSolarS mTSE-242507478113 30. WSSAONGWITHSQLARSYSTEM MUHAMMAD NPORKUHND&MANZIIRABABKIKHUZDARCITYUNDER PSDP-5960 1. DDofTubeWelIBoreTSE-242507477093 2. Slinst.OfS01arSystemTSE-242507477213 31. SOLAR WATER SUPPLY SCHEMEFOR KILI PARKO DIST KHUZDAR UNDER PSDP-5961 1. DDofTubeWelIBoreTSE-242507478623 2. Slinst.OfS01arSystemTSE-242507478773 32. Supply ofPipeforKillies0ff0110wing PSDPs(PSDP-5546-5661-5738-5752- KHUZDAR TSE-242507478803 Elcost 7.662 5.580 4.437 4.303 7.662 5.580 5.118 6.304 5,118 6,304 5.118 6.304 5.118 6.304 5.108 3.720 5.108 3.720 5.108 3,720 5.118 6.304 5.118 6.304 5.118 6.304 5.118 6.304 6.824 8.405 7.662 5.580 7.662 5.580 5.118 6.304 6.824 8.405 5.118 6.304 4.437 4.303 5.108 3,720 6.824 8.405 5.118 6.304 5.118 6.304 5.118 6.304 5.108 3.720 8.236 7.951 6.824 8.405 5.118 6.304 8.004 5.644 12.3367 Procurement shall be made the Balochistan Public Procurement Rule The Contractor must have valid registration with Pakistan Engineering Council in relevant Category and registration with tax authority's i.e (NTN, sales tax & BRA Department) where applicable. Three years relevant work experience. Turn Overoflast three years. METHOD OF PROCUREMENT:- Single stage One envelope. BID SECURITY:- The bid must accompany bid security in shape of Call Deposit of amount specified above in the name of the undersigned form a scheduled bank. TENDER DOCUMENTS:- The bidding documents can be obtained from the office of the undersigned upon payment (Non Refundable) Bidding Documents fee amount mentioned above against each work through green challan under head C02725- 02 Receipt the NIT and Bidding documents can also be downloaded form BPPRA web site . ISSUANCE OF TENDER DOCUMENTS: Tender documents issued form the date of publication of NIT. LAST DATE OF BID SUBMISSION: - The tender must be submitted latest by 22.072024 at 11:00 AM. TENDER OPENING: All tenders will be opened on same day at the office of undersigned at 12:00 PM. Place Of Issuance and Submission will be: All tenders will be opened on same day atthe office ofundersigned at Address: Office of the Executive Engineer PHE Division at Khuzdar. Phone 12:00 PM. NO.0848412523, Fax NO.0848412523 & Email. [email protected]. Bid validity Period:-90 Note:-OnIy the Original contractor/firm are allowed to participate in the tender with original CNIC. Agentfrepresentative will be not allowed .The undersigned reserve the right to reject all or any bids with out assignment of any reason thereof, it may be noted that (Pay Order and Bank Draft will not be accepted/entertained) and firm's complete title/name should be written on the call deposit. other terms & Condition seen/obtain in the Office of the undersigned in office hours, PRQ No.70/03-07-2024 c ews paper EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING DIVISION KHUZDAR @dgpr.balochistan u, from Express dated 04 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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