Communication Works Physical Planning & Housing Department Kohlu Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER "ONLY ELECTRONIC BID WILL BE SUBMITTED. NO PHYSICAL BID IS REQUIRED" The Executive Engineer, Communication Department, Kohlu invites sealed bids from eligible bidders on Composite Schedule of Rates 2018, Government of Baluchistan amended up-to-date from interested contractors for the following works Earnest Money 2%, Tender Fee Rs.2000/- and Time limit 24-Months S.No. Name of work 1 CONSTRUCTIONOFBTROADFROMKILLISHARINMARRIPAZZATOGORAN E/Cost 76.193M THAL DISTRICT KOHLI" PSDP# 1107, 2023-24 (TSE-242507475603) The office of the Executive Engineer, Communication Department, Kohlu invites Technical and Financial proposals from eligible contractors for above mentioned works. All interested bidders are required to submit documents through E-Bidding (NO PHYSICAL BID IS REQUIRED) as per following briefs in support of their technical/FinanciaI proposal: The procurement shall be out in accordance with Baluchistan Public Procurement Regulatory, Rules 2014 and Pakistan Engineering Council Guidelines for Procurement of Works. BASIC ELIGIBILITY: The Contractor must have valid registration with Pakistan Engineering Council in category C-4 & above specialized codes CE 01 Road and Pavements, Drainage & Retaining Structure, CE02 Bridge/culverts/ Pilling Work (if required), CE 10 Engineering Works: concrete repairs, landscaping, Water proofing, sub-soil drainage, etc. and registration with tax authorities i, e (FBR and BRA). Occurrence on FBR and BRAActive Tax Payer List is Mandatory. The Technical Proposal must include the following documents Name of Firm / Contractor with year of establishment along with postal address and telephone number. Name of Technical Supervisory staff / Management Staff along with their qualifications [Experience and proof of their stay with the firm, with fresh affidavit (duly attested by first class Magistrate) as per criteria specified in the bidding data. Should have completed and ongoing projects at least three projects/or equal cost of two or three projects of similar nature i.e. Roads costing up to of the project cost during last five years. Details should be provided as percriteria specified in the bidding document Detail for each scheme is provided in the bidding documents Financial Soundness of the firm in terms ofAnnuaI Turn Over and Bank Credit Vi@Should not be less than criteria specified in the Bidding Documents. Undertaking on judicial stamp paper (duly attested by First Class Magistrate) that the firm is not black listed by any Government / Semi-Government Organization. It is mandatory that the contractor must show the original PEC Valid RegiStråtion at the time of submission I opening the Technical Proposals. Non satisfactory performanc &bulltéåst or present with any executing agency will lead to disqualification of contractor, All other s and conditions described in the E&bullBidding Document. Proposals without above requisite infprm tion shall not be considered. The Financial Proposal shall consist of the Following Docyments: Detailed BOQ with Quoted Rates submitted through electronically. Bid Security quotedb"éunt (mentioned above) must be in the form of Call Deposit from a scheduled bank of Pakistam NöBank Drafts & Banker Cheques will be accepted. Must submitted in seal envelope. METHOD OF PROCUREMENT: Single stage -Two Envelop Procedure will be adopted. BIDDING / TENDER DO?UMENTS: Issuance: The bidders must deposit green Challan for an amount of 2,000/- each work deposited in the head of account C02716 Civil works through Govt: Treasury/NatiqnåI Bank of Pakistan or can be downloaded from the website of BPPRA (www.bppragob.pkVduring working hours, from the date of publication of this invitation in newspapers till one day prior to the last date for submission. The contractors who obtain bidding documents from BPPRA website will also be required to produce deposited green Challan. Submission Deadline: Technical proposals submission date is JULY 2024 at 1200 hrs. and will be opened on same day at 13.00 hrs. on EPPS. Financial Opening: The Financial opening will be on the 19fr July at 12.00 hrs, 2024 on EPPS. Place: The place of issuance, submission, inquiries will be in the office of the Executive Engineer Roads, Communication Department, Kohlu. PRQ No.72/03-07-2024 c ews paper u, EXECUTIVE ENGINEER ROADS CW PP&H DEPARTMENT DISTRICT KOHLU , from Express dated 04 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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