Peshawar Development Authority Peshawar Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PESHAWAR DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (PDÅ) (NoUce Inviting E-BiddingJ bids Ot' the basi* Of •sit-sle Stage One under Rule 14 (2) kPPÄA Rules 2014, are hereby invited from the PDA's enlisted Contractors Firms (Or enlisted with provincial enlistrnent committee) who are registered wet:h *PRA and pakßt:an Engineering for the having in the field Of given below; on percentage above'below on the BOQ/Engineer cost estim•vate for following 4. 6. 8. nc:Juding Tender Form and gill Quantity be 2400 dated: p OA , percent) Of the Estimated must be in the shape Of Call Depggit ift the name General. Peshawar Development pe.$h;awat, With the Rube 2014, Matter pertalnlng to Securit% Shall be With NO'. Of the that they fully With the scope Of In the tender Bid satisfying the Sub:mit their E•blddin.g and must send their bldg in in the receiwd by hand l) Income 'Tax Certificate NTN from concerned department Tax Payments reordina works/ørolects executed during last J) Detail of technical staff i,e, B.Sc Civil Eneineer{01 Nos. with atleast 10 wears»ectivelv}. Oipöo:ma of Associate Engineer In Civil 101 With 03 years technkalstaffwlll be available for the proposed pmJect. An affidavit that there is oo dispute of the firm with any departmentorls Involved In IvJAnaffidavit that the firm has firms having renewed enUstment for the never been w) Only those year 2024-2025 willbeeligåble toaøpw. Onbi'. up to two decimal digits (0.00), wiNbe for of the quoted bld. tf any documvent submitted alo•.vith bid documents found tabe bogus, the registration of the contractor firm shall Conditional / incorruplete bids shan not be acceptable. If the Bid becomes atiQthe rd contract shall bedeclded through a free toss which shall be and final. A1" i'tegn not reflected in BOQ and •equired at site. shall be paid accordi nce with M RS-2022 B' Ann: market rates with the apprwalofthe competent authority. All (Federal, Provincial & any other) witl be dejuct«i as prevail i'WGovemæntpolicy•. 10. t«unplete overwriting by hand bids shan be considered 11. entity rnay reject all tads or any proposalfBid at any time pr0,r to the •cceptaneeof a bid or proposals. The peccuring entity shall upon request communicate to contactor who submitted a bid or proposal, groun$ rejection or of an bids or of KPPRA Rules 20M. terms conuuons pertaißing to ffe worL can be seen in office of the undersigned at arty working day during office hours. 13.All the should be •with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority. established under the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Act N0- la. Widityotthebid Will' be opening of the tender. 15. Arty eot'tlgendum/addendum it-t •forementioned terms and conditions would be notified through newspa per/websi'te. DY. DIRECTOR ROAD:-III PDA's House Commercial Complex Block•1.2nd Floor Phase V• Hayatabad Peshawar c Newspaper( 4 Ju, 24 from Mashriq dated 04 July, 2024
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