Federal Board Of Revenue Of Pakistan Rawalpindi Tender Notice in Thenews newspaper of 04 July, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Federal Board Of Revenue Of Pakistan Rawalpindi Tender Notice ( ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Federal Board Of Revenue Of Pakistan Rawalpindi Tender Notice for students uniform,stationery,Printing & publication ,Computer Ststionery, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Chief Commissioner Secretariat Regional Tax Office F R Tax House, Katchery Chowk, Rawalpindi Phone No, 051-9270405, Fax No. 051-9270410 Dated: TENDER NOTICE NO. 01 / 2024-2025 Reg;or.äl Tax OffC;e. sealed bidS from Authorized Dealers. Oisttibutacs. General Order Supplies. Coatractors, Service Provcets. registered with GST & in Taxpayer LiStand have in Rawalpindi Is,zm.abad providing Wowing suggæs Reginal lax Offce, Tax House. Katc:t-.ery Chowk Rawalp&ldi, dunng year 2024-25, on least cost through single-sourceenvehpe:• 2. 3. 4. 5. GOODS Office Statjmery Itern,$ Print'S and Publicasons uniform & Protective Cast of Other Sive items CChem Computer Stationery Items t. 2, 3, 4. 5. 6, 8. SERVICES Repair c! Tianspoct V,aetinety & Equißtnent Repair Fumiture fixture Regair c' Hardware Repair o' [T Equipment Povision of Air Mechanic P10Visic.n of Electrician Provisic«t of Janitorial Staff TERUSANOCON0tT10NS•t The inteneng bidders in bidding Shan FOUO'hing 1, ptoffe. 2. NTN,SalesraxRegistrationNumberandATLstatus. 3. Af%avfl that Company iS by any Department — 4. Statementcf S, department. 6. Iterns1US.No. 1 to S upt030.06.2025- Rates te quoted serial-vae as pet tendet applicable} , Income withholdirq apply as IS} intEJG.ive Of GST (where ran Rates 2, 3, 4, E. S. coouered. Sealed bids should reach in the c'fice of the tered,ers opened b'/ OepetqmeogtPvrtttase CornrtMtee (DCPJ'O bidders or their at 1.1 same day, at Confererce Hall, Ground Reginal Tax Offu A film can apply one cg keepi9 in view its expertise capacity to detvet•y. cd & Disbursing Officer. RTO-R&å'dPindl" A Pay shWd rity«efutyaue}. The SeruÄS01Ait ElectriCian Plumber Staff Wil be reqcteddut•ng thegførours, oven C" oxtonøcøwotk'n•g For provisicn merstjo•t-jed S. No. 6 tog (againsl Servitesj. be oxecuted a period one year 01.102024 to 3009.2025). which tnay mutually be further, on the same teens and cor.ditjons. te agreernet't can oyeithetøartythrc•'J9'hone (Ot) notice, in advance, The all bid' or :topssalS at any tilte to acceptance a bid Ot proposal urder Ru5+330flhe Public Prcs:urementRdes. In casoolsr,artfall in suppty scaices during thc agreement. thc bid security wa be forfeited. in tavor of Coverr«rsent and be blabdisted. abogwit;h any pundive measures tnr maybe t: k en. The samples of rates quoted items shoed be gtovi±dwith quotason. 11, 12. The Tender letter Head. from OffC:e of undersigned. Ground Floor, Regional Tax Office, Tax House, Katchery Chow* Rawalpindi, during the Office nous. i. o. AM toC4:30 PM. on Ot URFAN IQBAL JANJUA) Administrative Officer 051-9292761 O Newspaper ( 04 Jul, 2024) from Thenews dated 04 July, 2024
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