Federal Board Of Revenue Of Pakistan Rawalpindi Tender Notice for students uniform,stationery,Printing & publication ,Computer Ststionery, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Chief Commissioner Secretariat Regional Tax Office F R Tax House, Katchery Chowk, Rawalpindi Phone No, 051-9270405, Fax No. 051-9270410 Dated: TENDER NOTICE NO. 01 / 2024-2025 Reg;or.äl Tax OffC;e. sealed bidS from Authorized Dealers. Oisttibutacs. General Order Supplies. Coatractors, Service Provcets. registered with GST & in Taxpayer LiStand have in Rawalpindi Is,zm.abad providing Wowing suggæs Reginal lax Offce, Tax House. Katc:t-.ery Chowk Rawalp&ldi, dunng year 2024-25, on least cost through single-sourceenvehpe:• 2. 3. 4. 5. GOODS Office Statjmery Itern,$ Print'S and Publicasons uniform & Protective Cast of Other Sive items CChem Computer Stationery Items t. 2, 3, 4. 5. 6, 8. SERVICES Repair c! Tianspoct V,aetinety & Equißtnent Repair Fumiture fixture Regair c' Hardware Repair o' [T Equipment Povision of Air Mechanic P10Visic.n of Electrician Provisic«t of Janitorial Staff TERUSANOCON0tT10NS•t The inteneng bidders in bidding Shan FOUO'hing 1, ptoffe. 2. NTN,SalesraxRegistrationNumberandATLstatus. 3. Af%avfl that Company iS by any Department — 4. Statementcf S, department. 6. Iterns1US.No. 1 to S upt030.06.2025- Rates te quoted serial-vae as pet tendet applicable} , Income withholdirq apply as IS} intEJG.ive Of GST (where ran Rates 2, 3, 4, E. S. coouered. Sealed bids should reach in the c'fice of the tered,ers opened b'/ OepetqmeogtPvrtttase CornrtMtee (DCPJ'O bidders or their at 1.1 same day, at Confererce Hall, Ground Reginal Tax Offu A film can apply one cg keepi9 in view its expertise capacity to detvet•y. cd & Disbursing Officer. RTO-R&å'dPindl" A Pay shWd rity«efutyaue}. The SeruÄS01Ait ElectriCian Plumber Staff Wil be reqcteddut•ng thegførours, oven C" oxtonøcøwotk'n•g For provisicn merstjo•t-jed S. No. 6 tog (againsl Servitesj. be oxecuted a period one year 01.102024 to 3009.2025). which tnay mutually be further, on the same teens and cor.ditjons. te agreernet't can oyeithetøartythrc•'J9'hone (Ot) notice, in advance, The all bid' or :topssalS at any tilte to acceptance a bid Ot proposal urder Ru5+330flhe Public Prcs:urementRdes. In casoolsr,artfall in suppty scaices during thc agreement. thc bid security wa be forfeited. in tavor of Coverr«rsent and be blabdisted. abogwit;h any pundive measures tnr maybe t: k en. The samples of rates quoted items shoed be gtovi±dwith quotason. 11, 12. The Tender letter Head. from OffC:e of undersigned. Ground Floor, Regional Tax Office, Tax House, Katchery Chow* Rawalpindi, during the Office nous. i. o. AM toC4:30 PM. on Ot URFAN IQBAL JANJUA) Administrative Officer 051-9292761 O Newspaper ( 04 Jul, 2024) from Thenews dated 04 July, 2024
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