Public Health Engineering Division Zhob Tender Notice for Construction Of Water Supply Sechem,Rehabilitation,Civil Works, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER rne Executive Engineer Pubic Health Engineenrg Oi.•is.ica Zt'0b sealed tender Fo«ns jas per Schedule B) cn the Ccmposæ Schedule cd Rates 2023 cd Büöistan from firms&vt. Contractors wt€kS. SCHEMES FOR 2 3 4 s 8 13 15 KEZAIABOUUAHZAI,EHOSW.BABARAREA POP No. Sill SUPPLYOFPPEUNE CCASTRUCTbmOFWATERSJJPPtY SCHEMES FOR ZALAKOZA, TAKRAI,VALANARAIZAJ PSOPN0,5W9 CIVIL SUPPLY OFPPEUNE REPLACEMENT OF RUSTED PIPELINESOFWSS TO'.VN CIVILWORK SUPPLYOFPPELINE CCNSTRUCTIONOFWATERSUPFO' SCHEME FOR SHEGHALLA TOMMO.A.SMEEWAT PSOPNo,5Bö0 CIVILWORK CCNSTRUCTDONOFWATERSUPPLYSCHEMESFOR TAKA], HASSAN PSDPN0.5833 CIVILWORK SL'PPLYOFPFEUNE CCNSTRUCI'ONOFWATERSUPPLYSCHEMEKLLI GOST TURADARGA CHUKRANOPSOPNo,571J CIVIL WORK SUPPLYOFPIPELINE CONSTRUCTION OFWSSOAMEROINKAREZ, WACHG83ARG,OUNOAR PSOPN0,5E55 CIVILWORK SUPPLYOFPIÆUNE CONSTRUCTDONOFWATER SCHEMES PSOPN0.S6S3 CIVILWORK SUPPLYOFPIPÉUNE CVVILWORK SUPPLYOFPIFEUNE AL'KHANSAMAZAISANIPAIKEZAI PSOPNo,5602 CIVILWORK SUPPLYOFPIPEUNE 5.406 CIVILWORK SUPPLYOFPIÆLINE SOLARWSSATKlLLlSAROARNAJAMMURGHAKläZAl CIVILWORK SUPPLYOFPPEUNE CONSTRUCTION OF SCUR BASEO WATER SUPPLY APPOZAI CIVILWORK SUPPLYOFPIÆLINE CONSTRUCTION PSOPN0.48U CIVILWORK SUPPLYOFPFEUNE SCHEMES ZH08PSOPNo.4704 CIVIL'„VORK CCNSTRUCTCNOFSOLARWArERSUPPLY SCHEMES FOR UANOCKHAILAREAZHOB PSOPNö.4589 CIVIL SUPPLYOFPIPEUNE 0100b 0100b 0100b 0100b 0100b 0100b 0100b 0100b 0100b 0140b 0100b 0100b 0100b 0100b 0100b 0100b 0140b 0100b 01 -Job Ol-Job Ol-Job 0100b 0100b 3.957M 21195M 16488M 18.306M 26.04 u 24.929M 25.68B M 0833M 22.607 M 29.25M 6.281 M 1,429M 38.697M 49.82M 242507478943 uasouwsg 242507475083 242507478763 24250755173 242501478243 24297478083 1012534M 24297477843 24207477663 7657 u 2.238M 1260M 14.683M 10.120M 242507435673 242507474623 24297474473 242507480693 shan be carned out in accordance lochstar Regularjry• FEE FOR EACH BIOSIIOCO•. to be in of C. SECURITY: 'ASIC i, (Sir* Efitity) Council (PEC" in Relevant Categcry incur.g fi.e years experi.erces g Banu Statementflurno•.erl. i'. Valid & online Autnonzaton letter 'Or Schemes Incorre raw' Sates Begg:tmentNTN, BRAactivean OT bill only rtavrvg a SCOCifit ( letter' deet must oe cn Norp JlÆoa1StatmpPagerVO ICO. fire Class tv.iiV0fiOrderct similar Naturo 'water scoply Bid•ervg Documents. ual to of the estirnated vnount cd bd con«ed in last 04 Scunøness wth, requitea turn Over given as per Mite,na spec.f.eø in taking on stamp pager that fm nas reveroeen black Itstec in i vii. At frte tern-s nd ccnditjcns specified oocurnents wit be aøp•lüt/je CO ho bidd•ng process. vii Pipe ust nave cen:jficze cd Pausan Standatd ard Ou.a'åy Autnority iSO e last 02 years. u. pages of financial as well technical as well as fir•ncial bids & tr*rk0dfrorn ISt 101astøagou u. 00/ Fjnan•iäl required Turn given as ill the Sddir•g in Case Cd fate belaw of he cost must be submitted with fnancial bid Affidavit of cc•rrectness c' ø•'OVidCd t"' bidder iS xiv. Guarantee where apø•lOble must •#'th in 01 'The bidder Who basic wa be aeclarea as responsive and accordirglii It'*if financial eva,luaoan will oe carhea out. The bidder Mtlich dont meet he basic eligitility ccnditims WII deeared as ron responsive ard heir bids Wil teß•cted bill The '*t;" Criteria is in METHOD OF PROCUREMENT: Single Stage-two Envelope OOCIJME.NIS, ISSUANCE: The eligible Firms can the bidding Documents b} downloading from website 01 BPPRA, from the date 01 publication of this invitalioninnewspaperstill 26" 1:00PM. The FimwwhoobtainBidding00c•wnems by downloading from e,PPRA *ObSite wul "SO be req•'ired to produce Deposited green Challan should be submitted of Can Deposit from a scheduled Bank- Oead of Suomissjon: Ihe biddng Occvnentscut filled and attached copies supprtng must te delivered in sealed envelcpes by tznd to the addressmentj•cned 26" Jwly 2C24at 1:00 PM, Orming; The bidwiU be opened on July pM, submission Will Heath Engweenn,gDtvisonZhØ. Wenne Number. 0822412814, Fanta: 0822412814. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER. pueuc PRO No. 81'03-07-2024 c ews paper u, from Jang dated 04 July, 2024
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