Public Health Engineering Division Usta Muhammad Tender Notice for Construction Of Water Supply Scheme, Rehabilitation & Improvement Of Water Supply Scheme, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER sealed tender on 8 as schedule are from agproved Government Cmrract0&'Fiffß public Heann Engirteerr.g Departmeat Biocrnsta.nar.a registered With SPPRAwt'0 ate enudf renewal cu he s. 3. s, iii 9 11 Nune ot W" in each Ot} Estimated Green cost REHABILTA"'OVUPROVEVENTOF WATER SUPPLY SCHEME PHASE-I OISTRlCt "UHAVMAD WATER SCHEE OISTR]Ct ustA MLHAUUAO REHABILITADOWVRO','EUENT OF WATER SUP,PVi GA*OAXHA OISTRICT USu REPAIR OF WORK) iN23S2L 174960". 660 1500 PROVIDING OF USu AND SURROUNOiAC AREAS OISTRICT USTA WHANUAO MUHAMVAD WATER COLRSE CCOFBORE CONSTT OF PLIMP HOSE Ci•W wms STT tcoo;! OF CLEAR REPAIR OF PUMP HOUSE CONSTIT OF CONNECTION TAMUHA COLRSE VEO OF PUMP HOUC wca•: 3425u.L WATER NASIR USu usr 1500 WRAVMAO, 2610603' 14881 REHAEUTADOUUPROVEUENT OF WATER SUPPLY SCHEUE OF PANDAR.ANI OISTR eso 261003 7488" WATER SUPPLY SCHEME usn MUHAUVAO CIVIL WC•S CONSTIT G suppty SCHEUE UC CONSTRvCTON OF FILTER EAR '0.60' 1500 WATER SUPPLY SCHEUE AND REPAIR FLTER PLANT USTA OISTRICT USTA OF FILTER HOGE OF OHSH PROVISOK OF SOUR WATER SUPPLY SCHEVE ANO O SULTAN EAHUCOLONYDISTRÆT TAMU TANK AT OARGAH HAZRAT FAQ CONSTIT H CONStt G 4907 ff EXWJtivc Erw>noet usta irmtOS ø•rocosal c$ Ccntrac•tnwfi-rts wth sealed mentiarea wc".s .N tnteresæ:i thCit tecrntalFita.ncjal Salcchestan Putåc Piccureff'ßf% BASIC The Qiroposals(Single Stage-One Envelope ) for above occus as fdlcw•ing briefs in ørocurement Sha.ll bC •tart*d 041 in accord.ara with . Rules 20U.and PakistUi Engineering Couro must tta•o valid #staton i.e 2024-25 wdh Pü;stan engireering CwncilinrequiredCategc«y r*ventdisoplnetspecGltS' ccdearsdfres.hre$b*tonwithtaxauthofitjes i.e "NtK.sales tax arg as wee as with BPPRA where the Odder must compute sir-darratcre . nmerdmenbcnhtheüingdccuments. METHOD OF PROCUREMENT: I Sinye Stage -One Issuance: The citai;n tt-e tidding docurner.t from address mentjcned abue or form for eacn woo, shoa•n eacti d•exßited in the head of aeca•LMt. C-02726-02 Civil Work ttycogh Gos-'t: TreasumNatbr;al Bank of Pakistan usta Mmarrtmaa or oe weositeat BPPR.A gurtngwarmgnour„ ro,'/tatjoa in dayøfOttO the contractors#ms who obtain bidding documents by downloeding Item frum BPPRA webs* wil also required to Chillan 01 Fee. bits must aot01ttperti0d bid secutity Bid' fct each WON it! form Of tsar.k guaranteo cf an-gunt the offcen.mecd under sigredfromascheduled bank. No my Bank oratts 8 aanket Check beaccen•tabk OeadlirtCOfsubfitiSSjon: Tétftrjca >tcoosats sealed ir one separate mar€edwtn & type O" by tegtstercd rtüi tothe or before 18'uly 202'. at :30AM Opening: Theenvelcgecontaining 'Technical Bids' will be opened on N samcday tropros.ence 010•dters o" representatives who choaseto with auevceity letter. Bids Validity:Nimety days Place: ot issuance, ovenjrtg Wi' be • theotfK* or the En#eet' PNE Oistri•ä usta Mohammad. Emil; Nil CONDITIONS All the terms and conditions can be Office Of the undersigned in hours PRO No.S7J02M-2024 c ews pape EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PUBLIC ENGINEERING CW'SION USTA MUHAMMAD u, , from Jang dated 04 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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