Public Health Engineering Division Nushaki Tender Notice for Building & Development Of Bore Civil Works, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER sealed tender or. & 8-11 as pet schedÜe 'A' are Governrner.,t Coatractot/nrm or PubiC Heath Engjroering Depatt&bullnent gak&bullctti$tm registered with BPPRA ee eristed renewal their narre cume&bullntfinmctal year Sar limit 06-2025 and E'Money 2% in shape ofCDR for each woü. 2 3 ii) 4 5 6 8 9 ii) 11 12 ii) 14 15 WSSALOKGWITHSOLARSYStEUKILLJ ORILLWG&0EVELOPMäNTOF30RE 5COfeot 1 JOO WSS SYSTEM WAO,ERAHIOAYATULLAH TAREEZAT OISTRICT (PSOPNOS517) ORILLINGAOEVEI.CPMENTOF@ORE 5COfeet 1 JOb WSSALONGWITHSOLARSYSTEMKILU JAMALA8ADWARDN019AT01STRICT NUSHKIIPSO+NO.SSR) ORILLNG80EVELOPMENTOF30RE 5C0feet Cisil 'NON WSSALONGWITHSOLARSYSTEMKILU ORILLIVG&OEVELCPUENTOFBORE 5COfeet 1 JobÆ WSSALOMGWITHSOLARSYSTEMKILU SARDAR HAROON'ATDISTRVCTNUSHKI (PSOPNOSSZ9) ORILLIVG&OEVELOPUENTOFBORE 5COfeet WSSALOVGWITHSOLARSYSTEMKILU NO.%39j 5COfeet WSSALOUGWITHSOLARSYSTEMKILUHAJI YAR JAN KISANRURIAI NUSHKI (PSOPNO.SSSS) 5COfeet ORILLINGBOEVELOPMENIOFSORE 5Coreet WSS SYSTEM DISTRICT 1 JOO WSSALONGWITNSOLARSYSTEMKILU OISTRICTNUSHKI. (PSOPN05715) ORILLNG80EVELOFYENTOF30RE 5C0feot Civil WON WSSALONGWITHSOLARSYSTEMRILU NUSHKI(PSOP ORILLRG80EVELOPUENTOFBORE 503 feet WSSALOMGWITHSOLARSYSTEMKILUABOUL REHMAN WALLATOISTRICTNUSHKI (PSOPNO.58"S) ORILLIVG80EVELOPUENTOF80RE 5C0feet 1 Job WSSALOVGWITHSOLARSYSTEMKILU MIRABEEOKHANTAREZATOI$TRBCI NUSHK11PSDPNO.SG23) ORILLIKC&OEVELCPMENTOFBORE 5COfeet Ciud Won t Job WSSALONGWITHSOLARSYSTEMK/LU ABADULBAQIGORGAGESARMALLAT 5COf*t WSS QAOIRABADW,JHALLAYARWJHANMAD NUSHKIIPSOPNO. t Job 3678-053'. 3678053'. 3678053'. 39718'. 3678053'. 3678053'. 439310'. 3678053', 3678053'. 4397181. 3678053'. 3678053'. 3678053', 15001. 650-1 m. 650'. 650'. 6501. 驌i. 650. 15W. 15001. 65m. 650'. 150m- 650'. 242507436653 242507476800 242507476830 242507477058 24250707253 242sat4it3ga 242507477650 242507479333 242507479360 242507479390 242507479473 242507479513 242507479583 242S/J74?gr33 Thc Otha cd the Engineer PHE NuShki iftVite:s tecFf101 proposal c' Contractorsfftrns Wilh sealec proposals ISii'We Stage-One Envelope J above imeø wct&bullks &bullntetCG.Wd bidders are to d&bulloarnents pet rcocvairg ttiQfS it suppctt or thOir tecrnicavvna.nca be With. Public Procurement Regeatcry, Pakistan Ergineehrg Counci BASIC ELIGIBILITY: the Contractor must vauygstraton i.e. 2024&bull25 Witt' EntJir&bulleerag iB requited Category in relevant anc fresh regstraton&bullaith tax authores i. e tax Oepætmentand BRA) as with BPPRA where applicable. bidder musl compute sillilar nave tangd00Jtrar&bullts. Tummer 1813 financial Of Tte finm. TheContractoripustnave Nir offce orthe Executive C&bulliviSiOn PHEO Otiling for drillng work in cu yeat 2024-25 Corcøatian of same nature at least last 3 year otøer ar same geoyaømc.rne Contractor must ne black istEd' not issued am rotice 'egarwng delay Of development METHOD OF PROCUREMENT Single stage -One Envelop bdding wit BIDDING f TENDER DOCUMENTS: Issuance: rne me from the abiressmentionaboueorgcductjcnofyeenChallan form anamcuntct650&bull.1503 y-and 350- St&bulloanagainGtoaChdéOCGjted in the read Of acco'ÄtC-0272S&bull2Civil wod&bullas throu$i Cow TreasuryNaocenai of Paisan Nushi3 be ±wnloaded tcem website Of 8PPRA during we-king from the date cd cd friS invtati&bullon in newspapers day 9tiCttO subrt&bulliSSiC0, the tiddit&bulltg dccunzntsby dawnlceding from 88 PRAwets.ite also be required to prccedwedepc«ted green Challan frctn c' rne&bullntjctTd Fee, bidSfiWStacccenpar.i&bulled bid sea-city 'Techne 3&bulld' for each &bullauk, the flym of call deøasit are guarantee af a.mourt speafied rare,e cf the ur&bullder 'torn a S.C.hedüd bartk. NO any Bank Orans & gan"r Check will be acceptable Deadline olsubrnissiort: tecrr.iäil ant truacc:ial sealed it' ore clea,dy marked with tide type hard or through reesteæd mail to mentjored or befire24 July 2024. at 1100 AM Opening: 24 2024,at or tr.eirauncmzecrep,resentatves who choose to attend '*ith auttwity letter. Bids Validity: Ninety 190) days Place: Tt'* place c' &bullssuara, s.vårrassjon. and coor&bullng wu The c' the Executive PHE Oistre Nushki , CONDITIONS A" the terms and conditions can be seen/0btain in me Office the undersigned in any hours PRO c ews paper Executive PiNc OiviSiOfi Nushki from Jang dated 04 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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