Public Health Engineering Division Nushaki Tender Notice for Building & Development Of Bore Civil Works, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER sealed tender or. & 8-11 as pet schedÜe 'A' are Governrner.,t Coatractot/nrm or PubiC Heath Engjroering Depatt•nent gak•ctti$tm registered with BPPRA ee eristed renewal their narre cume•ntfinmctal year Sar limit 06-2025 and E'Money 2% in shape ofCDR for each woü. 2 3 ii) 4 5 6 8 9 ii) 11 12 ii) 14 15 WSSALOKGWITHSOLARSYStEUKILLJ ORILLWG&0EVELOPMäNTOF30RE 5COfeot 1 JOO WSS SYSTEM WAO,ERAHIOAYATULLAH TAREEZAT OISTRICT (PSOPNOS517) ORILLINGAOEVEI.CPMENTOF@ORE 5COfeet 1 JOb WSSALONGWITHSOLARSYSTEMKILU JAMALA8ADWARDN019AT01STRICT NUSHKIIPSO+NO.SSR) ORILLNG80EVELOPMENTOF30RE 5C0feet Cisil 'NON WSSALONGWITHSOLARSYSTEMKILU ORILLIVG&OEVELCPUENTOFBORE 5COfeet 1 JobÆ WSSALOMGWITHSOLARSYSTEMKILU SARDAR HAROON'ATDISTRVCTNUSHKI (PSOPNOSSZ9) ORILLIVG&OEVELOPUENTOFBORE 5COfeet WSSALOVGWITHSOLARSYSTEMKILU NO.%39j 5COfeet WSSALOUGWITHSOLARSYSTEMKILUHAJI YAR JAN KISANRURIAI NUSHKI (PSOPNO.SSSS) 5COfeet ORILLINGBOEVELOPMENIOFSORE 5Coreet WSS SYSTEM DISTRICT 1 JOO WSSALONGWITNSOLARSYSTEMKILU OISTRICTNUSHKI. (PSOPN05715) ORILLNG80EVELOFYENTOF30RE 5C0feot Civil WON WSSALONGWITHSOLARSYSTEMRILU NUSHKI(PSOP ORILLRG80EVELOPUENTOFBORE 503 feet WSSALOMGWITHSOLARSYSTEMKILUABOUL REHMAN WALLATOISTRICTNUSHKI (PSOPNO.58"S) ORILLIVG80EVELOPUENTOF80RE 5C0feet 1 Job WSSALOVGWITHSOLARSYSTEMKILU MIRABEEOKHANTAREZATOI$TRBCI NUSHK11PSDPNO.SG23) ORILLIKC&OEVELCPMENTOFBORE 5COfeet Ciud Won t Job WSSALONGWITHSOLARSYSTEMK/LU ABADULBAQIGORGAGESARMALLAT 5COf*t WSS QAOIRABADW,JHALLAYARWJHANMAD NUSHKIIPSOPNO. t Job 3678-053'. 3678053'. 3678053'. 39718'. 3678053'. 3678053'. 439310'. 3678053', 3678053'. 4397181. 3678053'. 3678053'. 3678053', 15001. 650-1 '50m. 650'. 650'. 6501. '500i. 650. 15W. 15001. 65m. 650'. 150m- 650'. 242507436653 242507476800 242507476830 242507477058 24250707253 242sat4it3ga 242507477650 242507479333 242507479360 242507479390 242507479473 242507479513 242507479583 242S/J74?gr33 Thc Otha cd the Engineer PHE NuShki iftVite:s tecFf101 proposal c' Contractorsfftrns Wilh sealec proposals ISii'We Stage-One Envelope J above imeø wct•ks •ntetCG.Wd bidders are to d•oarnents pet rcocvairg ttiQfS it suppctt or thOir tecrnicavvna.nca be With. Public Procurement Regeatcry, Pakistan Ergineehrg Counci BASIC ELIGIBILITY: the Contractor must vauygstraton i.e. 2024•25 Witt' EntJir•eerag iB requited Category in relevant anc fresh regstraton•aith tax authores i. e tax Oepætmentand BRA) as with BPPRA where applicable. bidder musl compute sillilar nave tangd00Jtrar•ts. Tummer 1813 financial Of Tte ; finm. TheContractoripustnave Nir offce orthe Executive C•iviSiOn PHEO Otiling for drillng work in cu yeat 2024-25 Corcøatian of same nature at least last 3 year otøer ar same geoyaømc.rne Contractor must ne black istEd' not issued am rotice 'egarwng delay Of development METHOD OF PROCUREMENT Single stage -One Envelop bdding wit BIDDING f TENDER DOCUMENTS: Issuance: rne me from the abiressmentionaboueorgcductjcnofyeenChallan form anamcuntct650•.1503 y-and 350- St•oanagainGtoaChdéOCGjted in the read Of acco'ÄtC-0272S•2Civil wod•as throu$i Cow TreasuryNaocenai of Paisan Nushi3 be ±wnloaded tcem website Of 8PPRA during we-king from the date cd cd friS invtati•on in newspapers day 9tiCttO subrt•iSSiC0, the tiddit•tg dccunzntsby dawnlceding from 88 PRAwets.ite also be required to prccedwedepc«ted green Challan frctn c' rne•ntjctTd Fee, bidSfiWStacccenpar.i•ed bid sea-city 'Techne 3•d' for each •auk, the flym of call deøasit are guarantee af a.mourt speafied rare,e cf the ur•der 'torn a S.C.hedüd bartk. NO any Bank Orans & gan"r Check will be acceptable Deadline olsubrnissiort: tecrr.iäil ant truacc:ial sealed it' ore clea,dy marked with tide type hard or through reesteæd mail to mentjored or befire24 July 2024. at 1100 AM Opening: 24 2024,at or tr.eirauncmzecrep,resentatves who choose to attend '*ith auttwity letter. Bids Validity: Ninety 190) days Place: Tt'* place c' •ssuara, s.vårrassjon. and coor•ng wu The c' the Executive PHE Oistre Nus;hki , CONDITIONS A" the terms and conditions can be seen/0btain in me Office the undersigned in any hours PRO c ews paper Executive PiNc OiviSiOfi Nushki from Jang dated 04 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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