Public Health Engineering Division Awaran Tender Notice for Manufacturer,Dealer,Distributors,Suppliers, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Executis•eEngineetPuböcHealth Erginee.rirg Division Awaran invites seed bids /tenders on composite Schedule Of rates 2023 Gteærnmeni at 8älOChstan ftom eöglb•le contractors 'firms "autharties licensed by he Pakis-tan engineering Council in the relevant category CS ard having vatid NTN, sales Tax, BRA in the 'NSS Civil "Vans Bore. F wther mere- he SCIS' Systemat WSS are invites seüd bidSJte•1dO'S torn reputable having Threo Last year WON orders BO";] (Thtty Declaration Documents g Letter. Tax. PEC CE04, and EEII h0'*h01eor itemp,0'k wil te in stipugteø time. anv ('01 futileg the are not eligible. the Ihe The thrcugh Challan in National c' Pakistan acanch the head S: CC-2726 Earnest Money in shape deposit at Can and Time Limit for each Documents Gatozai NOW WSS Witvoet! NOXIO, WSSH*ji 4573} year 2024-25 TSE.242S074709B3 iv Pipe I-Job 2 J 4 S 6 WSSPuwarKhanesarMetaqMashkey. WSSAfzal Abad Parwar WSS l:kW1aq Abad Konaro Parwar. WSSZafarMihaniKalatMas]1kev (Under PSOPS34t) ii S"IC' SctarSyste•rt1 iii Civil Work WSSKälathO ShiheonAbädJih00Mvshtare•ka:. WSSH*ji NiSitNid*GOMOShtareki (UnaerPSOP5J50}forthoyeat2024.iS TSE-.242507471483 iii WON iv Pix 02.Nas 02.Sets WSSFazatMuhammad KandoorBazdad, WSSNehal WSSSa,tjæa/ Gandachahi. WSS OolathAli Jan Ghulam Jan Bazar Awaran (UnderPSDPS3601fortheYear i Sear System iii WON Sets W SSMuShtanaHammalB•atarPirandG', WSSBaloch Khan Ghulam Jan Bazar for 02-Nas 02.Sets iii Pige WSSMuhamrnad Khan OadalZeekh. WSSSadiq Bühsh FaqeerMuhammadGoshana,g. WSSAbdui Cheri i SIIctSc&rSY5'ten äi Civil assets WSS Muhammad SarwarLaI Muhammad Teertej. WSSPatan Deen Muhammad Teerei. W SS SabzalAIi Muhammad Teedei (UnderPSOP540S1forth@Year 2024-2STSE-U2SO'47t903 i SCOtSysteft' W SS Shaki O ad Bails:sh TSE-2425074719 ii WSSAdarnGhuIam Muhammad W SS Naseer Alured Pif Jan reerteKWSS Abdul Majeed Noot Bakhshereertej; WSS MadrisaCheri WSSAhdül Samad Lal Vvhammad Sari Malan, IUnder PSDP i sao:sclar iii cm OS.J± 79QOC0 753$0C0 8284003 7536000 63958* 2176266 82840CO 753600J 3640000 414200' 1256291 10355020 g200CO 45500CO nucco 753600 o 503•sscoo 94?0COJ sscooo 10355030 9420000 45SOOOJ 158840 150720 1880 165680 150720 82840 136640 43525 165680 150720 72800 82840 257560 20960 25126 188400 91000 165680 150720 201100 138400 188400 91000 The procurement shall be made under BPPRA Rules 2CU.E*dit'f. The contractc€s must have wh, TO aut.hortus• i.e INTN & Sies Tax d•eoactment, BRA), Valid re•straton with Pakistan Engine:élir.a in Categc«y "-ho have deposited renewal fee 'CT the teat 2024-25. and Manufictcge,'Fitms rereaéd from PEC OeøartJt•ort Ouot:a Bijl'XhiStan.• Firms Of must be manufactvrm dealers Otherwise Should not bO<hertO partitipate in tendering process.' Firms Of must be reputable OistributOt, 'haying Three Last with Department in last Year 2024-2025 Goods Oeclaration Slip, ShipmentDocurnents& its verification Letter. Thi contractonfirm Sh'äll pcovite a Dort clearance certificate. verification letter of cradit ILC' 'QRAChargeSf BillOf Landing all oocvments Sh04Jd be provide in the OffitOOf undersigned. Other wise should not bother to participate in tendering process. IJOint Venture iS not allowed)• the bidder must provide undertaking that hiSdhCir firm has not been black liStOd any Where in PüiStam• the bidderjcontractor has an Office in province with representative Office in the Districtj' 0:01} bids received due date and time be CO:nsidOted 01 Procurement; Sit* Støae- One Security: "e bid must a security in tne snape o' can deposit ot amount spec.fiet attose •n Of a schedule Tenøer sey the ditea•f NIT we:" dajSLast dat@Of Bid Submission; The OCSutCOittCd on at 10;00 AMatthO Offpcoorund•er t00ders Will be opened on same day at tr.e Oltco 01 signed at 11:00 AM Place submission inquires and public Hea"h Engineering, and can seern Y Obta•n Iran or EXECUWVE ENGINEER PHE MARAN PRO N0.6S'03-07.202a c ews paper u, from Jang dated 04 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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