Medical Teaching Instituion Dera Ismail Khan Tender Notice for local purchase of medicine, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** MEDICAL TEACHING INSTITUTION DERA ISMAIL KHAN INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) MTI O,lKhan 'nvitC•4 Bids from bidder* having sound financial position, register with Fa;R GST Active Payer and valid D•rugs License for Local purchase ILP) o' all types wed'"ines. Surgical and no•n-surgieat on discounted rates and day to day need basis. during the financial year 2024-20B. throush (Single stage two envelop procedure} as per Rule of Teaching sealed bödSShould reach in the Office Of Procurement Marvaget on 25-07-2024 EOUfS Will presence of the bidde«sortheirauthorized representatives iftheychose to the day 12;OO hours irl s g Name Of Tetu:ler Local Purchase Of reaching HOSPital MTI Olkhan Local Purchase MMM Teaching Hospital Mn Detail For nral Purchase CDR At-noont I-Regulat Fund. Sehat Sahulat Program Mustaheqeen Pakistan zakat Mustaheqeen. thsas tahaf"ß Pt%tam, 6• Any other sovernme•n bid at IBO Am Oate & Time a' Submission at Date & time 25 at for each Hospital I-the quoted rates must be fo« an remain valid up to 30-06- nstituentsr parts'.e. OHQ/ MMM Teachinx HOSCktaI and Goma' Medical Colleges till the selection of new vendors for the f/'Y202S-26. Pre-bid meeting with the bidderswillbehe/g 11BT2024at 11:30AM in Audito«iumHa31 OHQtH OIKHAN. Mhequotatjonsmustbe printed and no Cutting, Hand '*titten quotations will not be accepted, COR mandatory each item as per the amount of Contractor. 6- I he b Bidder att above. 5- Alt taies applicable levied by theCovernmer•it shall be deducted from the bill mustsubmitseøarate bid with Call Oepositforeachcategorvas mentioned in advertisement. receipt Of tender fee. 8' A bidders Sign a e:OtnaCt agreement iudioal stamp pager of prescribe-a amount within five days of the recei0t of approval uders. g- Bidders must attach Affiduit/ Certificate regarding non blacklisting by any Government/ same Government/ Autononvous bodies on Stam paper of Rs. 100/' duty sing by bidders and attested Notary Oath commissioner. 10' Interested bidders mav Cibtain aid solicitation documents/ detailed conditions on written request ftOtn Procurement teaching Hosoital C4kham after submitting the tender [email protected]üj/•for each item (nearefundablel on anyworking day onorbefore104:OOPM) 24" 202a. N0AppVication Procurement Section Cell: 0333-9963489. O Newspaper ( 04 Jul, 2024) HOSPITAL DIRECTOR MTI DIKHAN , from Jang dated 04 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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