Communication Works Physical Planning & Housing Department Shobat Pur Tender Notice for Laying of tuff tiles , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER WEHTHER THROUGH ELECTRONtg MANUAL BIOOE8 GET REGiSTEREO (Raags} CV.'. PPßH O-epatvnent Put. se.aæc percentage rate tender based convcs.ite schedule d rate 2023, Government of Babchist•n amended up-to date tom interested for the '*0'k listed oe•low Earnee MCO@'i Teneer Fee RS. fCC' each v,'Ot'Å. Name OfWörk 2 Renw BI Road uvanquha.rmr.adtouaseeou•llah KhasaLinkRoad 3 Coræ: cdBTRoad Main SohbatPur Road o Oamar Deen Khasa (PSOPNDIA502024.Z51 TSE.23240646ES33 C.ocst: RoadGatn Muhammad mraneem J&khrani s Ccre:dBTRoad TSE.242S07467343 6 (PSDPNo.145S2024-2S', Cons,t: of BTRoag Munatmmac Hassan to Shams Khan Khoso (PSOPNo.14612CQ4-2S} 8 Corst: cdRetaifiing Waa on Naseer OrainNear Bhand (PSOPNO. 14672024-25) 9 tSE.242SOU6S623 10 ISE-U2SOU6S683 Cora* 0' 11 12 ConsyuctioratBT Ro•d NaseerShakh Bazar Bypass Internal Road Sa Khan ISEU2SO'4688'3 13 Cor.syuctiorafBT Road Abdul Razzaq Na.varraa CCOSI: 013x10 Span Culvert M Shahi 202405) 14 12285M 26256M 46667M The procurement sne te caried out in accordance wth us, 2014 &ASIC The Engineering Covnciin relevant CS and Pubic Procurement Regulato•y t have valid registrabn wth Pakjstan relevantdisciplineICEOt) and reestr•ion three Years Relevant Wotk with tax i.e. (XIN g Sales Tax E.xpet•ience. Bid•eng fm oe last three Yeats. Registratjcn Certificate in 8 my procunng agency of Pausan. Twn-a.•er ar METHOOCF PROCURWENT One Procedure. i' TENDER OOCUMENTS: essuance: rne Contractor dtsøp•rg marl b'dding challan for amount hrough t / the eate of C' nth PEC aforementioned categc«y if' relevant adC,.ess menomec on prcductjcn green '(Non-refundable) deposded in the head of acccuntC-Ü2718 Bank of Pakist&l or can from wetsitec{ 8PPRA. f firms documents them fram SPPRAweosjteWdl ago oe requreg to produce depostea green challan frm dccuments if requestee by wi be prceT'Wdispatched by tegistered mail forwbichcce of ma;lwil te borre byte appb-:ant however, under ro circumstmces Pt'OCurirt9 FOkJ for delivery C"' IOS.S Of SO madge. Money as pave sbaulC N submitted in the frrn of at Cai or dank Guarar,ee from a Line cd Submisson: The Biderg Occus dutvfßed and attached •wth cooiesof supprting dccuments must be delivered in sealed err.e.lopes by hand ce• through registered mai to the address mentioned bClC•W co or before up to 12 00 Hts. Ocerting: The tenthr wÜ at 13:03 Hrs. Detre yxuementcommttee in me presence.' contractors ce meir authohzed representatives .•ents. Ptæe ct issuance ard submissn•n will oe:--ACdress: Executive Department; Oistrict SohbatPur Bid validity 90 days Terms and Conditions: Terres and are mentioned in detail oocutnents, Aprocutiagggertv mav cancel the O,idør.g process at any tme pror to acceptance of or gogcsal. as per grovtson in BPPRA, ruk 2014. Note: II may te noted hat no Pay Orde« be Accepted'Ertenair*d and fin-n's complete Title,/Neme should be written cn the Call Deposit. PRO c ews paper EXECUTIVE ENGINEER *ROAD) DEPARTMENT DISTRICT SOHBAT PUR u, , from Jang dated 04 July, 2024
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