30 Bedded Hospital Danyore Tender Notice for Purchase Of Food Items,Repair Of Vehicles,Repair of Equipment,furniture etc,purchase of ord store , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NO. 1205/MS/Acctt/203 GOVERNMENT OF GILGIT-BALTISTAN OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT 30-BEDDED HOSPITAL MUHAMMAD ABAD DANYORE GILGIT Dated 1st July 2024 TENDER NOTICE The Medical Superintendent 30-Bedded Hospital Muhammad Abad Danyore Gilgit invites sealed tenders from the well reputed/registered firms for the under-mentioned works during the financial year, 2024-2025. The schedule of submission and opening for each tender will be as under:- s. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Name of Tender Purchase of Food Items (For Diet Indoor Patients) Repair of Vehicles Repair of Equipments/Furniture etc Purchase of Ord Store Local Purchase of Medicines, Surgical Items, Lab Regents, X-Ray Films/Medical Gases. Purchase of Stationery Minor Repair of Health Institutions/Hospital Waste Management Water Supply for Hospital Other Misc. Items/Printing Materials Call Deposit 50000/- 50000/- 10000/- each 30000/- 50000/- 60000/- each 40000/- each 30000/- 30000/- each Date & Time of Bids Submission 22-7-2024 10:00 AM 22-7-2024 10:00 AM 22-7-2024 10:00 AM 27-7-2024 10:00 AM 22-7-2024 10:00 AM 22-7-2074 Ɔ:00 AM 22-7-2024 10:00 AM 22-7-2024 10:00 AM 22-7-2024 10:00 AM Date & Time of Bids Opening 22-7-2024 11:30 AM 22-7-2024 11:30 AM 22-7-2024 11:30 AM 22-7-2024 11:30 AM 22-7-2024 11:30 AM 22-7-2024 11:30 AM 22-7-2024 11:30 AM 22-7-2024 11:30 AM 22-7-2024 11:30 AM INSTRUCTION TO BIDDER (ITB) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Sealed tenders may be submitted to the undersigned on or before the date mentioned against each category which will be opened in presence of the firms/dealers/suppliers/contractors or their authorized representatives at 30-Bedded Hospital Muhammad Abad Danyore. Firms/dealers/suppliers/contractors may offer only the category of tender in which they have complete setup (own shop/workshop, technical experts/staff, vast and past experience with documentary evidence). The firms/dealers/suppliers/contractors must be sole proprietor having own complete setup (shop/store/ workshop) containing adequate supplier in Gilgit Town as well as authorized dealer/agent at Islamabad and they will be bound to supply demand items at the office of Medical Superintendent 30-Bedded Hospital Danyore Gilgit. Separate tender documents for each ca egory must be submitted, mentioning name of Category in bold letters on envelope. The Bid Security/Call Deposit in shape of Bank Draft/Pay Order of bank in the name of DDO 30-Bedded Hospital Muhammad Abad Danyore may be attached with the bidding/tender documents. No tender without call deposit will be accepted. The bidding documents of (0619 registered firms/dealers/suppliers/contractors shall be entertained. Firm Registration Certificates " orm C", CNIC of the owner must be produced. The rates of items, if t covered in the "Prescribed Form", will be determined in accordance with the prevalent retail price! the open market at the time of supply over and above or low rate with open market and unjustified rate¯åre not acceptable. All kinds of taxesapplicable (if any) will be inclusive in the bid price and borne by the firms/deale rs/su ppliers/ contractors. CoÅditional, ambiguous & incomplete tenders shall not be accepted. The tender must be submitted as single stage one envelope procedure. All the rates of the items mentioned in the tender documents should be quoted in computerized. The rates quoted in handwriting will be rejected. Vendor No. and IBAN No. must be cleared by contractors before processing of their bills. All item rates include labour charges. PAPRA Rules will be followed. Medical Superintendent 30-Bedded Hospital Muhammad Abad Danyore IDGB-458/24 (l SBAG) from Dawn dated 04 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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