Public Health Engineering Division Mardan Tender Notice for Technical & Financial Proposal, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PUBLIC HEALTH ENGG: DIVISION MARDAN PIM 9230149 FAX#9230149 com CORRIGENDUM Refer to the Notice Inviting Technical & Financial Proposal published by Director of Information Department vide Advertisement No. INF (P) 1488/24 in daily newspaper "AAJ" dated 2906.2024, the following terms & conditio may read and dealt as. Bidders shall have specialized Elect!iå Code in PEC registration such as CE-09, also EE-04, EE-05, EE-II required forflectrical works as per criteria instead of Bidders shall have specialized Electrical CodQin PEC registration such as CE-09t ME-05 and also EE-04, EE-05, EE-II required for*ctrical works as per criteria. 2. As per directions of Superintending Engineer PHE Circle Mardan, only AM&R contractors having workshop, ware-house at local level and adequate financial, human and logistic resources +uld be allowed to participate in AM&R bidding for work No. 1 & 2 instead of 3 & 4 3. The bidder will prpylde an affidavit in the technical proposal that no Water Supply Scheme should stand un-operational for more than 24 hours. For which he should arrange sufficient stand by Pumping achineries accessories/arrangements. / other Other terms & conditions will remain same. INF (")1564124 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PUBLIC HEALTH ENGG: DIVISION MARDAN u Newspaper ( Jul, ZUZ4) from Aaj dated 04 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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