Parks & Horticulture Authority Lahore Tender Notice for Parks and Horticulture Works,Procurment Of Planters in Roads,Flowers Work,Road Beautify , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PARKS & HORTICULTURE AUTHORITY, LAHORE TENDER NOTICE parts Hott.cultute Autrceey. se.N bi$ -whCh ye valid, {PECI Fee RS. Openm Oate & ting: S.ut«tssdl Securo@ SS RS. lähcte (He-lrrited) 2. 3. 4, 5, 6. 8. 9. n PBS 8 Aumomy, Wae in nape Ot PEW te cart-ot te e.NBtaifh' 'Oitna.n ernest @RSSS 01 e,synated cost 01 wtgk in Bar* Guyræe Bank oi Pusan). Sectrts snape at Guarantee vali' per-ot pts Securo be iter ct vccess ergs cn he The oe a:cao.rte WS 2014. orz em&bulleope proceye. rawjrec oocunerts shm.E te drc$*d, once Emireerng, Pans g esrnatea to geta-rnanc:e secunty fre fire award Ot frvn a equ* to kss tan be cost arter tre wo,'k rm tkCOSita1 Meted Ot t.t* be entetaitet at teO. Nif pe to ncedve &bulle. PEC cetütcu, FRA cettiz:ae anestC COW d CNIC. regeøtG listn.g ot 1m. gt Guarnee m.) ree StXC O' CDR/C* retetCJ must l*OOSJted in Dttxe bits go be &bulle,Mied trcå coreerr&bullz office I-cay b&bulletUe gt tenm bids bb g«posalS at tn to or a or fumet tram Ire I tgoposal oeuclæed as nn-rosconsi". 0, f. Pakistan Cmnc:il {PECI wtth active stns. Va.ld PRA Repst:ratoo cetitcate Aceve ot cog i' gan (Scteje Pa.'ks 8 1+yt:ia./tvt Aut»orty LYOte. strop iS »c:k $ uptit". ct Ccowæeec Herat/ Cud fCMCl d ttk cce&bullrony. Director Engineering Pan & B"ticultwe Autoroty Pate Phone o ewspaper u, from Dunya dated 04 July, 2024
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