University Of Sargodha Sargodha Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** e 1929 UNIVERSITY OF SARGODHA SARGODHA TENDER NOTICE University of Sargodha invites the Tender / Bids for the Development Works as detailed below from contractors I firms having PEC license, renewed for FY 2024-25, code and experience in relevant field. Estimated Cost Rs. 1867 (M) Rs. Rs. 1,57000/. Eamest ofT.S. Estimated Completion Time 02 Months Tender Receiving Tcndcr Issuance I Opening Date & 2 3 Name of work Construction of Rest Room i/c Bath Room with Boundary Wall for Drivers at Main Campus, University ofSargodha Re-habilitation and Reconstruction of Existing Old Quattcr (08 Nos, Single Room), Block-C at University of a Phase-II) Re-Constmction ofCollapsed Boundary Wall at College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha Amount Rs ofT.S. Estimated 06 Months Amount Rs. 277,600/-) ofT.S. Estimated 45 Days Amount Rs 315201. Tender Cost Rs. Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 5,001V. Date up to 22072024 (Monday) During Office 22.072024 (Monday) During Office Hours) 22.012024 (Monday) During Offtce Hours Time 24,07.2024 11:00 A.M/ 11:30A.M ednesda 24.07.2024 11:00 AM/ 11:30 AM (Wednesda ) 24.072024 11:00 A.M/ 11:30 AM ednesda ne terms and conditions / procedure of tenders are given below: • Tender documents will be available immediately after publication on PPRAWe ite well as University of Sargodha website free of cost; tender documents arc also available in the office of undersigned ifany fm / contractor inten s to purchasc tcndcr documents. Tender documents shall be issued by officed the undersigned on proper letterhead (Photo copy/computerprint not acceptable) on submission of bank draft in favor of Treasurer, University of Sargodhå aStender document cost (Non-refundable). The aspiring firms I contractors can examine the site of the work or an clarification at any time during working hours before opening of the tender, The firms will be required to demonstrate / exhibit the„necessary experience, list of similar schemes and resources to satisfy the University Administration of the firm's ability to comply with this tend as in words and should be in accordance with general directions given in the tender Items rates and amount should be filled in figures documents. Incomplete or conditional tender will be liable tofje90n might away without assigning reasons. Telegraphic/fax request will not be entertained for Isue of bid documents. Bidding documents in proper sealed envelopeyill be received in the Offce of Project Director (Works), July 24, 2024 (Monday) at 1 1 A.M and will be opened by the TenderOpenin mitteeinthepresenceofcontestingcontractorsortheirauthorizedrepresentative, (who caretobepresent) at 11:30 A.M the same day. All the Firms I Contractors will bound for strict compliance of all terms and conditions issued by Govt. and University of Sargodha Authorities from time to time. Connivance (negotiations dunn process are strictly prohibited Ifany contractor / firm found involved in such practice, tender will be cancelled. Documents shall be and opened on the date and time as mentioned above. Ifthe tender cannot be opened on the date as given above due to unavoidable circumstances, the tender will be opened on thc next working day unless separate notification is issued in this regard. Thc competent Authority reserves the right to accept / reject all the bids according to PPRA rules — "35•Rejection of bid: • (l) ne Procuring agency may rejcct all bids or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance ofa bid or proposal: Documents shall be issued, received and opened on the date and time as mentioned above, Ifthe tender cannot be issued / opened on the date as given above due to unavoidable circumstances, the tender will be issued / opened on the next working day unless separate notification is issued in this regard. The Competent Authority does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any other tender and reveres the right to accept / reject the bids as per PPRA rules. All taxes / deductions will be made as per Govt. Rules amended / wised time to time. Project Director (Works) University of Sargodha IPL-6331 O Newspaper ( 03 Jul, 2024) from Express dated 03 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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