Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department Kasur Tender Notice for Hot and Cold,Office Stationery,Printing Materials,Stiching Materials,Lunch Boxes,Furniture,Tyre Tubes,Batteries,Blood Bank Chemicals Kits,Small Medical Appliences,Pharmacy,Saintry Woekrs,Disposal Of Infected Waste,Services And Maintenance Of Electrical Equipments,Medical Gasses,Printing,Stationery,General Items Supplier,Cctv Camers,Photocopy Items,General Store Items , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** primary & Secondary Healthcare Department Baba Bulleh Shah Hospital Kasur TENDER NOTICE FRAMEWORK CONTRACT PURCHASE OF I.QCM. PURCHASE OF MEDICINES (F.B. MEDICINES). ITEMS. GENERAL STORE ITEMS. ELECTRIC ITEMS. ETC. FOR BULLER SHAH HOSPITAL KASUR FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 202+25 Tender Inquiry No.01-19/2024-25 1. Baba Bulleh Shah Hospltal Kasur Invites sealed bids from the firms having established credentials In terms of Technical, Financial and Managerial capabilities for the procurement Of followin items for the fiscal ear 2024-25 at cons! nee's end on DDP Basis. Item Name 1. 2. 3. 4. s. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Local Purchase Medlclnes. (Emergency, Indoor, Dialysis, medlc:lnes / SSP). DialyslS Items. General Store Items. Printing & Stationery Items. Electric Items / Devices / Machinery Items. Biomedical Equipment (Operation theatre celling light, etc) Anesthesia Machine plants, Dialysis machines Repair & Maintenance Servtces Reverse Osmosis Plant Repair & Maintenance Services. Dialysis Machine Repair & Maintenance Services. CCTV Cameras & Surveillance items and Repalring Services. Computer, UPS and networking repair services. X-Ray Items. Photocopy Items. Printer Repair / Maintenance Services. oner refillln blade chan e tc Laboratory Items. Supply, Installation, Commissionlng & Maintenance of Integrated Chemlstry & Immunoassav Rent?! Basis BIO Medical Gases Items. Dental Items. Auction of Parking Services. 2. Bldding documents containing the detailed specifications may be obtained @ Rs. 2,000/- (non- refundable) from Procurement Office, •Baba Bulleh Shah Hospital Kasur on written request by 31.07.2024 till office hours for tenders and for auction by 01.08.2024 till office hours for auction's bidding documents, from Procurement office Baba Bulleh Shah Hospltal Kasur or may be downloaded from the PPRA 3. Bidding shall be conducted through *Slngle Stage — Two Envelopes" blddlng procedure of Punjab Procurement Rules, 2014. The envelopes shall be marked as "FINANCIAL PROPOSAL" and "TECHNICAL PROPOSAL" in bold and legible letters. The outer envelope shall clearly be marked with Tender Enquiry No. for which the prpposal Is belng submitted. 4. Sealed bids are required to be submitted by the Bidders, the date for submlsslon of blds (other than auction) along with bid security mentioned In Bidding Documents Is 01.08.2024 by 12:00 PM, tender will be opened on same day I.e. 01.08.2024 at 01:00 PM In Resource Center of Baba Bulteh Shah Hospltal, Kasur In theoresence of bidders or their authorlzed representatlves who may wish to attend. The Auction of parking Stand Services blds will be received on 02.08.2024 till i i AM and its Technical & Flnanclal bids will be opened on same day I.e. 02.08.2024 at 12:00 PM at Committee Room Baba Bulleh Shah Hospital Kasur In the presence of the bidders or thelr authorized representatives who choose to attend. Late blds shall not be entertalned. 5. In case the date of opening or last date of submisslOn is declared as a public holiday by the government or non-working day due to any, reason, the next offlclal working day shall be deemed to be the date of submission and opening of tenders accordingly. The time and venue shall remain the same, 6. The firm Is required to submit 2% of Estimated Cost as Bld Security along With the bld. Estlmated Cost Is mentloned in the blddlng document against each Item. Note: The Procurement/Bidding Process shall be governed by the Punjab Procurement Rules, 2014. The firm Is requested to read the Bidding Document Carefully. Medical Superintendent Baba Bulleh Shah Hospital Kasur Government of the Punjab Primary & Secandary Healthcare Department O Newspaper ( 03 Jul, 2024) IPL-6362 from Express dated 03 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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