Office Of The District Council Attock Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT COUNCIL. ACVOCK TENDER NOTICE Sealed percentage/item rate tenders are hereby invited for the following schemeuworks from the approved/enliated who have got their names enlistedfrenewed for the cu FinanciRl year 2024-2026 from any of MUMetropolil.anNunicipal CorporationDistrict Council of Rawalpindi Division on following terms and conditiong:&bull 1. 2. 3. 8. 9 10. 12. 13. Sr In case uf Limited Company the partnership deed will have to presented officials. Original Registration receiptnctter/PEC license of cu year 202+2025 shall be submitted alongwith applications for issuance of tenders, in the cue the tender rates are than 5% of TS estimated cost. the additional Performance Security ghaIJ be received as per prevalent rules of Govt. of thc Punjab within 15 days of issuance of notice or within expiry of bid in *hape of CDR from schedule bank in the name or Distrtct Council, Attæk during office timings only. Tendere shall be insued to eligible mntrnctors on the production of ctiPieg of enlistmenUrenewul certJficate from alxjve mentioned JcxaJ governments. PEC C.eruficate. II) Card and Power of Attorney nlongwith prescritwd fee in *hnpe of CDR mentioned below against ench scheme, *Ille npplication on original letter head of contractor aiongwith 5% Earnest Money in the form of CDR for issuance tender form shall received alongwilh Tender Feo in form of CDR during office timings. Tender formg will iuued upui 23-07-2024 till caæ or approval uf applicntiun of contractora after receiving the Tender Fee In form of CDR- Tender Fee will onw received In rorm of CDR lhe umounl mentioned below in the twible against 5% (Five percent) earnest money m *hupe of Call Deposit (CI)R) be nccompunied with Application otherwi&bulle No application received. The CDR ghould from scheduled bank in the name Distnct Council. Attcrk, bark on 23-07-2024 uptoQ2AP-M and will be opened m the preeence of Tender Openmng Committee and Contractors or their representatives in the officv of District Council. Altcek. All the contractors will to quote their rates in figures ag well as in words. Over writing, doubling. cutting. tempering. doubtful and incomplete tender forms will net bc acceptable. At the *ite of work installation of caution tmrd"ontauning message regarding prevention agarnst human, animal* and financial loss will be thf"sponsibility ofcontractor. The details of following tender ticg can also be visited on PPRA website at Earnest Name d coat. TSNo.& Money 195/M01i)NCH 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. 8. Desilting of Nullah Hazro Gonda Road District Council Attcck Deulting of Nullah Hattian Hazm Road District Council, Desilting of khakardara District Council. Desilting of Nuliah Mirza District Council, Attock Rehabilitation I Construction of Rest Arrea Bhatiot Rehabilitation I Construction of Path Primary Dhok Rehabilitation Repair of Quotar Nasir Mehmcnd Naib Qasid District Council Colony Attcck Rehabilitation / Construction of Path Kohat Road to Girls Degree College Fateh jang By the Order of 300 Dated 25.062024 3.000 300 7.500 4.000 1.000 35.000 &bulldo&bull 150000 150000 100000 375000 200000 50000 1750000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 Deputy Commissioner/ Administrator District Council Attock O Newspaper ( 03 Jul, 2024) IPL-6325 Chief Officer District Council, Attock from Express dated 03 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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