Municipal Committee Jhelum Tender Notice for Implementation Of Energy Management Plan , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** eSoS.4.a..4 OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL COMMITTEE JHELUM LG No.13200 [email protected] TENDER NOTICE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF ENERGY MANAGEMENT PLAN IN JHELUM CITY Municipal Committee. Jhelum (MC Jhelum) (hereinafter referred 10 as the "client"). invites the sealed bids from Contractors Firms I Manufacturer J Authorized dealers registered with FBR & PRA (NTN and PNTN) concerning Implementation Of Energy Management Plan in Jhelum Cityv 2, The bidding documents are available immediately after publication (2014 Punjab Procurement Rule 25(t)} at the office of Municipal Officer {I&S), Municipal Committee Jhelum and a complete set 01 Bidding Documents can be downloaded from PPRAs website or may be obtained on submission of written application along with deposited slip of Bank of Punjabin the favor of Municipal Committee Jhelum for Rs.5,OOO/- (non-refundable fee). Bidding documentsshall be issued to owner of the firm by showing original CNIC and / or to Authorized representative of firrn.having authority letter with specimen signature of representative of firm along with original CNIC. 34 Single stage single envelope ding procedure will be adopted. The Bid (Financial) prepared in accordance witmåh instructions given in the Bidding Documents must be accompanied by a Bid Security 2% of restirnated cost in shape of CDR Bank Guarantee from any Scheduled Bank in Pakistan. for an amount of Rs. 54,055/- in the name of the Chief Officer, Municipal Committee Last .ate for purchase of bidding documents is Jhelum. 19-07-2024. The Bid (Financial) must be delivered in the office of Chief Officer. Municipal Committee Jhelum on 20-07-2024 at 01 P.M. The bid will be opened on the same day at 01:30 P.M in the presence of the bidder / bidder's representatives who choose to present 4. The procuring Authority may reject all bids or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance Of a bid or proposal under Punjab Proeorement Rules 2014 5. Conditional tender will accepted. 6. Tendered rates angamount should be filled in figures as well as in words and tenders should be signed as per general directions given in the tender 7. In case the totaltendered amount iS equal to or less than 5% of the approved estimated (DNIT) amount. the lowest bidder will have to deposit quality assurance security equal to the amount difference between approved DNIT amount and the quoted bid amount from the Scheduled Bank within 15 days of issuance of notice or within expwy period of bid, whichever is earlier: 8. The bids will be valid for 90 days. 9. In case, the last date of bid submission falls in J within the official holiday(s). the last date for submisston of the bids shall be the next working day. 10. Estimated cost is Rs. Chief Officer Municipal Committee, Jhelum IPL-6327 Administrator Municipal Committee, Jhelum O Newspaper ( 03 Jul, 2024) from Express dated 03 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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