District Council Gujranwala Tender Notice for Procurement Of Super Structure Jetting Machine,Super Structure Sucker Machine ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** DISTRICT COUNCIL GUJRANWALA QUOTATION NOTICE The District Council Gujranwala intends to purchase to provide best Municipal Services to people in its locality of District Council Gujranwala. Sealed Quotations are required from firms/vendors having registration P.S.T, G.S.T and N.T.N. for the items described below for the financial year 2023-24. Detail of machinery is as under &bull NAME OF WORK Super Structure Jetting Machine 4500 Liters Ca aci Super Structure Sucker Machine 2. &bullISOO Liters Ca aci TERMS & CONDITIONS: Specifications Available on bld documents Available on bid documents Earnest Mone 390000/- 270000/- 1. 2. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 10. 12. Interested parties are required to submit their tenders with Technical and Financial proposals (two envelops single step) in separate envelope up to 20-07-2024 at 01:00PM and Technical Proposals will be opened at 01:30PM on the same date by authorized committee in present of Firms/Venders or their authorized agents. Bid documents along with qualification, evaluation criteria and standardized specification of cach item can be collected from office of the District Council Gujranwala well during office hours till 20&mdash07-2024 after paying tender fee of Rs. 10000/- (Non-refundable) from date of advertisement. Said purchase of machinery / itern*hall be made in accordance with the Punjab Procurement Rules-2014 (as amended time to time) on SINGLE STAGE IWO ENVELOPS BASIS. complete, suspicious, not sealed, every page not Bid documents which are fou signed, late or submitted by Other han the specified mode shall be rejected. Technical bids shall be opened on the same date after 30-minutes of closing time, in the presence of firms/venders or their authorized representative alongwith original authority letter on affidavi9¯ Financial proposals oftnlY those (technically qualified) venders / firms shall be opened after evaluation oftechnical proposal by the committee concerned, and the firms / venders will be informed accordingly. According to PPR4 rule-35i the procuring agency may reject all bids or proposals at any time prior tocthe acceptance of a bid or proposal. The procuring agency shall upon request communicate to any bidder, the grounds for its rejection of all bids or proposal, but shall n0tbe required to justify those grounds. The pr$üring agency has the right to increase or decrease the quantity of any items before and after issuance of supply order. The decision of the Procuring Agency will be final and not be challenged in any Court of Law. Detail terms & conditions will be mentioned in bidding documents. Rates offered by the Firm / Vender will be applicable for the whole financial year 2024-25 Alt the rates should be in figures and also on words on the bidding documents. The rates will be quoted each item separately and will be considered individually. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER/ ADMINISTRATOR District Council Gujranwala Newspaper ( us Jul, ZUZ4) IPL-6330 from Express dated 03 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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