Punjab Highway Department Faisalabad Auction Notice for Auction,Toll plaza,Toll Booth Collection,Toll Fee ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUNJAB HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT AUCTION NOTICE Sealed award Of rights collection on following Toll Plaza for a peric&bullå Of 334-days W.e,f to hecby invited by the Executive Engineer. Highway Division jhatw Tisc bid documents will be issued by thc Executive Engineer Eighva.y Divisåon Jhang opto 19-01.2024 during Offlee and be received in the office Of Superintending Engineer Highway Circle NO, 2 Faisalabad on 2207.2024 at 12-30 and the same Will anet 1.00 by the in Of Bidders who be present. The detail given as ROO,' *778'. Zone) Punjab H Bid documents witl bc issued upo 19.07-2024 offtec hours in office or Executive Division 'hang to those / firms a deposit call @ of Bid price utd bid fee En shape of COR (Non refundable) Rs. ICOOO{- in of Executive Engk.IRCt. Highway Division, ,rhzn.g i3S'i.Rd by any scheduled Bank Of Pakistan at Of collection Of Tender Bid documents produc:ticgv of signati.g-e.$, teatiooal Tax Number) and powet of anorney in case l. Bid lessee to the Government in Nine (09) equal installments. AEI the provision, operation and maintenance of all facilities mentioned in will bC by the L.esge and no deduction from the Big amount will admissible. The Shall Sign each and of thc Bid and initial corrections therein and respects the conditions laid down therein. Highest Bidder Bank Guarantee and Performance Bond amounting t Million in advance before tal&bulling over possession of TO]] 3. Conditional Bid Will 1104 Aeceptancc of the higheét&bullBid shall rest with the Chief Engineer (Central Zone) Punjab Highway Pepanment Lahore reserves the right to Same without 5. DceumentS pertaining to the Did can be seen iii the ontce or Executive Ertgincct Highway 00 day during O&bullmce VEHICLES WHICH ARE EXEMPTED FOR PA OF rou b) e) Vehicles&mdashbeating Plates of Presidency, Prime Ministers Sccreaaries Government's House and Chief Minister's Secretaries. Vehicles belonging to Senatots, Menvbc:rs of National Assentbly and Member of Punjab Assembly, Flag Cars. Vehicles bel«mging to Defense forces ot VehieEs requisitioned Defense duty. Police Petrol Vehicles. Vehicles tglonging to officers of Communication & Works Department, Ambulance of the Health Department. Social Security Red Crescent Society. Superintending Engineer Executive Engineer Highway Division Jhang Highway Circle No. 2 Faisalabad O Newspaper (03 u, 2024) , from Jang dated 03 July, 2024
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