Public Health Engineering Division Jhal Magsi Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing,Solar System,Supply Pipe,Drilling and Development Of Bore,Boring Works , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The sealed Petcentøgerate tenders based on competes schedule ctrates 2018 Govemrnent cdBalccl•vstan Btus (Where applcablei fram ircerested ard Drilirg Agertc:iesfctthewotk$ EarnestMoney Of EStimated Cost offered Rate in Shape of BankCall Deposit, tenderfeedeposited in head 01 account C02ü6 through Bank inNBP each work. s 2 4 6 7 8 NANE OF WORK OfiStructiOfl WSS Junta . wee. ECOSt P NO. ncco 11 Construction WSS Mohmmad Maloca Otohar.PSOFi NO.%St ISCC 1±-cc Iscc • . Soar S • , Sda:t' s 490 M 1 lcccc WSS Talib Hw.sain NO.5"2 11C,mc •riff* 3C-E-2CZS 30-c-azs 30•c-azs 30-e-arzs Construction of WSS Gctih Zahoor A • . Sdar 3547 M psopso.Si86 791m PSOP NO.5E1 OflS'truetiOfi df WSS Goth Rakhia Khiri Vee.ii of Iscc 30-e-aes 11 Construction of WSSGoth Mohanvnad Achar Ba i PSOP NOSS19 ±81CO i). *stem. Construction Of WSS Ai PSOP NO, ECCO 2,902M • . Sdar Construction WSS Hint PSDP No.S6B1 79cco Cn,il i , Sdar of 'Ecc Ifcc t.S.No. TSE-2QSO!93013 TSE.24ZS07473883 TSE.U7f074M53 TSE.24Z07475333 TSE.24N747S413 TSE.24ZS0747SS63 TSE.24ZST47S823 Procurement shall made alochistan Public Procwrement Rule2014. Eligibility: Tt•e Carractcc must valid reåiSlf* witn Pakis m Engctreenng in relevant Category ard OnlV;ngAgencgs must Wth Ortlling Orec:orate l'POegætrnent aoa•ve •n rees•ant diSCiPlhe-åbd regstratitn with tax i.e {NIN ard sales tax artd BST Degertment), where revs Relevant 'Narks Experience. Tum CPver or Iasi three years. Method of Procurement, Sirgle stage, sngte envelops Procedure: Bid Security: ted rrust accompany seaway in *tape c' Sara. Call Depos.t of arnaunt specdea atove ir the rame af 'NC:tsvted frotWO•sc.hOdljesd took. Tender ooeuments; the bid•dlf'$ oe Office of the urdersared opco Pd'jrne•nt INonreft.ndablej bidding Oocvn•ents ret vrewtioned abue against each ',vofi. through green challan unear tpad CC2726 Rece@l Itie NIT ard bidirg tocuments also oe BPPRA sae. Issuance al Doeutw•eff'ts: Ot NIT tg til 19-07024 II:COAV. Last date Of Eid Submission Thc tender must latest by "2.CO PW. Tender opening; All tenges willbeopened on satnedayattheaffceaf undersignedat 01:03 PK. Plaee of Issuance and SQibftiiS$iOfi Will be: Address': the Engineer PH? Vaggi Fax NO. 0838430173 e-ma•aoaress: 8idVal'd(ty Perod:- days Theurdersigred reserve he *lor ny bdswnoutass&rtmeni c/ any reason thereof Note • il may be rated that no pay ot'd,er be accepted' ard f.rm•s tit:et name be Htten me call deposit. "Pay Orc:er ar,d Bara. Draft wdl be acceotab•le) PRO No,5i02.07.20U c ews paper EXECUTIVE ENGINEER. PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING omsvoa JHALMAGSI u, from Jang dated 03 July, 2024
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