District Council Gujranwala Tender Notice for Super structure Jetting Machines,Super structure Sucker,Machines, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** DISTRICT COUNCIL GUJRANWALA QUOTATION NOTICE DiSt;znct course Gura•mvu to pvcnas•e ML0iCigaI Set-vees 'n IOC.amy or O•iszrzt Coure are requreø G,S.t the items belaw c«ail iS • NAME OF WORK Capacit•t} TERMS& CQNPIJIONS: Earnest 390"M- Av•aable on bld Avaaabl•e on bld 2. 3. 6. 9, pomes are to sutrrüt tte Techn•cal and envelops step) VP to 201'07/2024 at Oi±COPM and Techrical te opened at 01±30" same date authorized committee in geesent Of Firmsjvet•tersetneg •utharite•ø egents. criteria and ot each item car ot the Counc• GOJ.rartwata 20/07/2024 arter tender date or Said pwcnase or items In aetor,darce wan tre Punjab •me to time) on STAGE ENVELOPS procurement Ru*s-2014 EZ doarne,rqs wtlich are every page late than the specifiec mcae st»li oe rejected. bids sr.a,'l oe cøcnec s,arne date afte or in the Of or author it'! tetter cn affidDVit, propogts mose (tecnrxetty qua%hcdj venders f firms be anet equation techrøca'l tre ommitte arms venders .tcco.runp to use prxutcn•9 agemy may reject an bids or orogasats at arty time Ct prcposal- *'OCuring Shau request to any vounds ror as rejection ot an Dias or prcoosal. s.n*l requited to those grounds. The proeuting Ute fi$bt to cg decrease the quanta•v ct itertz after issuance cd suny order, the Procuring be final ard In any court at Law. terms be met-stoned In tiding dccuments. Rates ee apøawe the year .N the Sh:X11d be in dce:.umeht$, •rne rates Will oe qw•ted each item sepuatety amd conssæeø DEPUTY COMMISSIONER/ ADMINISTRATOR DISTRICT COUNCn. GUJRANWALA O Newspaper ( 03 Jul, 2024) from Jang dated 03 July, 2024
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