District Council Attock Tender Notice for Rehabilitation, Or Construction Of Roads, Rehabilitation & Construction Of Colony, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT COUNCIL, ATTOCK Tender Notice Sealed percentage/item rate tenders are hereby invited for the following schemes/works from the approved/enlisted contractors who have got their names enlisted/renewed for the cu Financial year 2024-2025 from any of MC/Metropolitan/Municipal Corporation/District Council of Rawalpindi Division on the following terms and conditions:- 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10. 11. 12. 13. Sr. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 In case of limited company the partnership deed will have to be presented before the officials. Original registration receipt/letter/PEC license of cu year 2024-2025 shall be submitted along with applications for issuance of tenders. In case the tender rates are below than 5% of TS estimated cost, the additional Performance Security shall be received as per prevalent rules of Govt. of the Punjab within 15 days of issuance of notice or within expiry period of bid in shape of CDR from scheduled hank in the name of District Council, Attock during office timings only. Tenders shall be issued to eligible contractors on production of copies of enlistment/renewal certificate from above mentioned local governments PEC Certificate. ID Card and Power of Attorney along with prescribed fee in shape of CDR as mentioned below against each scheme. The application on original letterhead of contractor along with 5% Earnest Money in the form of CDR for issuance of tender form shall be received upto 22-7-2024 along with tender fee in form of CDR during office timings. Tender forms will be issued upto 23-7-2024 till 1100: AM in case of approval of application of contractors after receiving the prescribed Tender Fee in form of CDR. Tender fee will only be received in form of CDR for the amount as mentioned below in the table against each scheme. 5% (Five percent) earnest money in shape of Call Deposit (CDR) should be accompanied the appiication otherwise no application will be received. The CDR should be issued from any scheduled bank in the name of District Council, Attoke Tender forms will be received back on 23-7-2024 upto 02:00 PM and will be opened at 02:30 PM in presence of Tender Opening Committee and contractors or their representatives in the office of District Council, Attock. All contractors will be bound to quote thei etes in figures as well as in words. Overwriting, doubling, cutting, temperin oubtful and incomplete tender forms will not be accepted. At the site of work installation of ea ion boards containing message regarding prevention against human, animals and fip+iål loss will be the responsibility of contractor. Details of following tender noticöan also be visited on PPRA website Name of Scheme Desilting ot Nullah HazrEGonda Road District Council Attock Desilting of Nullah gatial Kamra Hattian Hazro Road District-Council, Attock Desilting of Shakardara District Council. Attock Desilting ot &bullNullah Mirza Distrbct Council, Attock Rehabilitation / Construction of Rest Area Boota Bhatiot Road Rehabilitation / Construction ot Path Prima School Dhok Hasso Rehabilitation / Repair of Quotar Nasir Mehmood Naib Oasid District Council Colon Attock Rehabilitation / Construction ot Path Kohat Road to Girls D ree Colle e Fateh Jan By Order of the E.Cost (M) 3.000 3.000 3.000 2.000 7.500 4.000 1.000 35.000 T.S. No. & Date No. 195/M0(1) MCR DATED 25-06-2024 -do- -do- - do - do - do - - do - Earnest Money 50000 150000 150000 100000 375000 200000 50000 1750000 Deputy Commissioner / Administrator District Council Attock Chief Officer District Council Attock (ISB-G) Tender Fee 5000 5000 5000 5000 sooo IPL-6325 from Dawn dated 03 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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