Faisalabad Electric Supply Company Limited Faisalabad Auction Notice for Scrap Aluminium Off Size,Iron Scrap,Battery Scrap, , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** 0) Ftsco FAISALABAD ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED OPEN AUCTION DISPOSAL NOTICE Open Public Auction under unserviceable material at locations mentioned against each will be held on f0110'i%'ing date & titre on "as is where is" basis at FESCO Community Centre opposite TRW workshop FESCO, Faisalabad Serial# Auction No. DescriptionofUnsen•iceablCMaterial Quantity Locationof Auction Unserviceable Oate& Time 4 5 9 498 501 502 506 ACSRScta C RAP0ffS'ZE US Scra PVCSctap(_ BATtÉüSCRAPoff ACSRdfeze ScrapAuminiumoffsize 22,000 37 1338 1200 3500 Kg Deputy Director (MM)RegionaI Store FESCO, Jhang (MM) Regional StoreFESCQ Sargodha 2407/2024 Wednesday at II:COAM Following begpplicabte: Registration a:ongwithcopyctCNlCSha11 09:30 A.M. 2, 3. 4. 5, 6, 7. 9. The above unserviceable Material carvte• spected during wading at their respective locations mentioned The bidwdlremainvalidfott50da extendablevithüæconsentofbothparties. Rate quoted should be auctionw•iSe and "Excluding" all applicable taxes. All bidders deposit as bid security in Shape Of Bank CORI Bankers Cheque in favct Of CEO FESCO thrct„sgh Cashierbeforefr.e start of auction (09:30 A.M. to A.M.), Thedeposit shall be adpsucl against the auction winning priceSBidsecurity of unsuccessful bidder will berefundedat spat after completionafauctiom The highest f SuccesSf,u1 Odder wilt haveto pay 114th Of the bid amountonthe spat as "earnest money". The remaining amQ1€along all applicable Covemment Taxes have to be paid within 21 working days issuanceof "Letter0fAcceptance". In case offalure. theeamest maneywü be forfeited All taxes leviedby Govt.o'Pakistan will be paid by highest/' Successful at thetimeof final payment, All (Shtsresenæd acce*ncetrejection of offerin the aucton by the competent authority. 10. All other terms nd conditions be informed at the time of auction or contaci Cürectc« Disposal FESCOaffice regarding other termsandconditions during working hours before auction date. It. This advertisement is also available on PPRA website at and FESCO website at www.fesco.compk. PtG'1JO:j Director MM (Disposal) FESCO, Faisalabad. Phone: 041-9220336, Fax: 041-9220215 c eWS paper u, from Thenews dated 03 July, 2024
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