Shifa Foundation Karachi Tender Notice 2 for Supplier,Vendors,Contractors, Supply Of Vehicles On Rental Basis With Fuel Diesel , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Shira Foundation TENDER NOTICE Ref# SF/Tenden'UNICEFISindh1 05-129/06/2024 foundation is a non-profit anda non- governmental atgamzation. Sliifa Foundation iS implementing a project "Héallh Emergency Response in suected district Jamshoro Sindh". Shi'a Foundation inviles sealed tenders from ragislé"d suppliersveodors$contractowcompames 'or supply 01 thc following Vehicle monthly rental basis. 3 Vehicle T Van Off road bkhiéle Specification out' AC Fuel Petrol Seati•z Capacity Vour with Capacity Fourteen Petrol'OJesel Capnity Siv o' Vehicles 06 01 Note; Shita Foundation right to change quantities 01 required vehicles or vehicle hiring period, accept. or reject any all tender lions without assigning 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7, 8. 9. Tender can be the • FOLCd,ation No. 7, 1-9,'2, Islam+b 10 5:00 PMi Monday to Friday. startimp onag1Y 02. 2024. The tender pack can alSO be our webSite This Invitation 8idS iS open t TN Bidders Iron allover Pakistan Bidders shall not be umder_atlaration of in eligibilifr,' for practices issued Shi'a corrupt, Itaudulent arid foundation. Bidders shan not interroristact/criminal associated wilh- in"dualS and.{orentities associateo With Sealed reacti Shi'a Founøatitn Office Plot 210, Street No. 7 -V Islamabadhefore17Julv2024andshouldbe "TENOt-R1 Clearly lender bß opened after 17 0' July 2024 in thc presence ot Specialårocurememtcommiltee, The Supplier must quote only one option- Bids recei'&d with mare tnan rejected. Tender committee reserves the right to change the any assigning any reason. Suppliers must not be engaged in any corrupt. fraudulent. COIIuSive Ot coercive including but not lir'llite•d applying' biddinp b'/ multiple names J' companies. If an'/ bidder iS found to be in such praciices hi5,'her be rejecteø and the companies in question permanently black listed, 10. Lowestpricewi11notbcthesolecrHeria c ews paper u, , from Kawish dated 02 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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