Public Health Engineering Division Dera Bugti Tender Notice for Procurement For Supply Of Pipe,Civil Work,Supply Installation Of Solar System,Boring Works,Supply Of Butt Fusion Jointing Machine,Supply Of Hdpe Pipe , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Executive Engineer Public Health Engineering Division Dera Bugti invites Sealed tenders/Bids from the firms/contractors and Manufacturers of Pipes for the following work approved in PSDP 2023-24. Tender Fee Rs 1500/- S.NO 2i,2iit3i & 3ii, 2000/- for S.NO ivtv & viii, 2500/- for S.NO vi. for each work. Time limit Six Months. NAME OF WORK Bid APP. Security COST(M) 2% 1, Extension and Improvement of WSS Sui Town Dera Bugti. PSDP No.483i i. ii. iii- vi. vii viii Supplying HOPE pipe density 700- 960kg/cu.m and carbon black contente 2% with DIN 80748075 OR PS 3580-1997 (rev) 9001-2000 pressure classification of PF 100 black for water supply PN-12.5 su I ofHOPEPi e 90mm supply of HDPE Pipe (110mm) supply of HDPE Pipe (160mm) supply of HDPE Pipe (225mm) Supply of HDPE Pipe (315mm) supply of HOPE Pipe (355mm) Supply of Butt Fusion Jointing Machine with 5KVA Generator Civil Work 3600Rft 11600Rft 2700Rft 11200Rft 6200Rft 6400Rft I-Set I-Job 1360548'. 6643088/- 31774411. 25985344/- 28916800/- 37627328/- 2450000'. 27172134/- 27211/- 132862/- 63549/- 519707/- 578336/- 752546/- 543443/- TSE. 242507468853 TSE- 242507468913 TSE- 242507468973 TSE. 242507469103 TSE- 242507468823 TSE. 242507469233 TSE. 242507469483 TSE- 242507469373 2- Construction of Water Su I Scheme L DID of Bore Supplyfinstallation of Solar System 3.Construction of Water Su Scheme Din wani in Phelawa h Dera Bu 4316741/- 41767761. ti PSDP No.4621 TSE- 86335/- 242507469623 TSE- 83535/- 242507469703 a to Qalendri Phelawa h Dera Bu ti PSDP No.5353 ii. DID of Bore Supply/lnstallation of solar systern(s H-NO I-Set 3320722/- 3616284/- TSE- 66414/- 242507470013 TSE- 72326/- 242507470163 The Procurement will be finalized per B-PPRA Rules and regulations, the firm must have valid registration with Pakistan Engineering Council in relevant category and relevant discipline who have renewal for the year 2024-25 gndiegistered with tax authorities i.e. BRA, NTN & Sales Tax Department active filers where applicable who are on ATL of FBR three-year similar experience and turnover of last three years. For supply ofYDPE pipes ISO 140012015 ,ISO 450012018, ISO 90012015 Certificate , PSQCA Certificate, List of machinery HDPE Pipes and Lab Equipment. The tenderfee must be deposited in head of account C ,02721 - 02726 through Green challan in any National Bank of Pakistan. METHOD OF PROCUREMENT; Single stage, One envelope procedure. BIDDING DOCUMENTS I TENDER DOCUMENTS: Cambe downloaded from B-PPRA Website or on Production of Tender Fee and Tender documents cost Rs: 1500/- for each work. ISSUANCE: The tender form will be issued to bidders after publication of notice in newspapers from the presentation of requisite documents ie tender fee (Non- refundable). Bid security / earnest money mentioned above, original valid Engineering Council Certificate in relevant / required category, registration with BRA income tax certificate (NTN) etc. SUBMISSION Last date for submission of bids 18-07-2024 at 12:00 PM. OPENING: The sealed bids will be opened on at 01:00 PM. Placeofissuance, submission inquiries and opening will be:ADDRESS: Office oftheXEN PHE Division Dera Bugti. Telephone No. 0835-410533/0835-410433 E-Mail [email protected] termsandconditionsareattachedwithtenderdocuments. PRQ No.231-07-2024 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PHE DIVISION DERA BUGTI "vwe» dpr.gob @dgpr.balochistan c ews paper u, , from Express dated 02 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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