Patfeeder Canal Division Dera Murad Jamali Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Executive Engineer, Patfeeder Canal Division Dera Murad Jamali Invites Sealed Tender Form F-l (as per schedule AIB) based on prevailing market Rates, Government of Balochistan amended up to date from interested contractors/firms for the work listed below Tender Fee Rs.2500/. Deposited on Head of Account C-03434 S. No. Name ofwork 1 Strengthening of Left Sideembankmentof Patfeeder Canal from 0.261 District Sohbat EICost Bid Security 2% 33000000 660000 Procurements shall be out in accordance Balochistan Public Procurement Regulatory Authority Rules 2014, ELIGIBILITY (a) The Contractor must have Valid Registration with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) for the year 2023-24-25 in relevant Category, with specialization relevant Codes of CE05j6 (Irrigation only) (b) Registration with relevant tax departments i.e (NTN, Sales tax and BRA) where applicable and Active upto date.(c) Presence on FBR Active Taxpayer List. (d) The Firm/ Contractor never been blacklisted, from any procuring agency of Pakistan. (e) The bidder must have completed at least 2 assignment similar nature of work last 3 years. (0 Turn over of at least 23100000/- PKR Amount in 3 Subsequent Previous Years showinåflnical capacity of the Bidder/Firm. (e) Authorized Representative of Company will only be allowed aving a specific Authorization letter for the schemes mentioned above (The Authorization letter/ deedmust be provided on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper Valuing Rs100tduly attested by First Class Magistra . Method of Procurement: Single Stage- One Envelope Procedure will be adopted. Issuance of 'ender Documents: The bidders can be obtained the bidding documents from the address mentioneg below on production of Green challan (as bidding documents fee mentioned above) to be deposited i Vhead ofaccount C-03434 in the National Bank of Pakistan (The NIT & Bidding Document can al downloaded from Deadline Submission of astdate and time ofsubmission of bidding/ tender documents will be Bidding/ Tender documen July 2024 at T nical and Financial Proposals from intending Contractors sealed in two separate envelopes clearly+ked with work title and type of proposal. Opening: The Technical Bid will be opened on 22" July 2024 at 1 PM, before Procurement Committee in the presence of contractors or their authorized reptésentative/ agents and their Financial Bid will be retained and only successful bidders will be calleål Invited through courier for opening of Financial Bid. The Financial Bid of disqualified bidders will be un-opened. Bid Security: The Bid Security 2% of estimated cost in the shape of Call Deposit from any schedule Bank as mentioned against the contract shall be enclosed with the bid (Technical Proposal) Bids Validity: Ninety Days (90) days Address: Executive Engineer, Patfeeder Canal Division Dera MuradJamali Phone-0838-710533 PRQ No.13/01-07-2024 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PATFEEDER CANAL DIVISION DERA MURAD JAMALI dpr.gob @dgpr.balochistan O ewspaper ( , from Express dated 02 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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